[交易] 卖书/解剖/药理/PE/小儿/妇产/分生

楼主: yujungc (羽绒)   2016-06-21 00:28:51
1. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Moore. 5th edition. 八成五新. 含光盘.
2. Goodman & Gilman The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 11th edition.
九成新. NT$400
3. Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 9th edition.
九成新. NT$200
4. Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics. 5th edition. 少划线.
九成新. NT$150
5. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Obstetrics and Gynecology. DeCherney.
Lange. 10th edition. 少划线. 七-八成新
6. The Washington Manual of Surgery. 5th edition. 八成五新. 极少数划线.
7. The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics. 32nd edition. 八成新. 有划线
. NT$100
8. The Harriet Lane Handbook. Tschudy and Arcara. 19th edition. Elsevier.
九成新. 无划线. NT$300
9. 妇产科学. 罗丹梓 编著. 2011. 九成新.
细胞分子生物学 (皆有画线)
1. CELLS. Benjamin Lewin. 1st edition. 2007. Hardcover. 8成新. NT$300
2. Genex IX. Benjamin Lewin. 9th edition. 2008. 8成新. NT$250
1. 悲剧的诞生. 尼采 著. 周国平 译. 2005. 左岸文化 NT$ 100
2. 超译尼采. 尼采 著. 白取春彦 编译. 杨明锜 翻译. 商周出版. 九成九新
NT$350 (共两本)

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