aiyot (wil)
2014-06-06 16:25:281. Miller's anesthesia 6th edition
2. Williams obstetrics 23rd edition
当初为方便携带所以拆书另外装订成三册,原版书非影印版, 售800
3. Sabiston textbook of surgery 17th edition, 售100
4. Harrison's principles of internal medicine 16th edition, 售100
恕不一本一本赠送, 6/15前若没有人需要的话会直接全数回收,
5. Netter's atlas of numan anatomy
6. Nerology and neurosurgery illustrated 4th edition
7. 图解神经医学及神经外科学 3rd edition
8. Basic histology 10th edition
9. Pocket medicine 3rd edition
10. The Washington manual of medical therapeutics 32rd edition
12. 台大外科重症加护医疗手册
13. 台大外科住院医师医疗手册
14. Tarascon internal medicine & critical care pocketbook 3rd edition
15. Board review series Gross anatomy 4th edition
16. 2005 + 2006 医师国考试题详解-临床医学
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