msmmanu (AmbeR Liu)
2014-06-09 15:08:28job版禁止张贴违反“就业服务法”、“性别平等工作法”、“劳基法”与其他法律之文章
【公司名称】 艺珂人事顾问(代征)SAP
【工作职缺】 口译人员 Interpreters
Interpreting can be carried out in various ways:
- In person, in the same room;
- By telephone, when the interpreter is in a different location from the speakers;
- Via video conferencing and internet-based technologies.
The following work activities are likely in any interpreting setting:
- Assimilating speakers' words quickly, including jargon and acronyms;
- Analysing sentences expressed in one language and explaining them using another language;
- Building up specialist vocabulary banks;
- Writing notes to aid memory;
- Using microphones and headsets;
- Preparing paperwork - considering agendas before meetings,
or lectures/speeches when received in advance;
- Using the internet to conduct research;
- Organizing workload and liaising with internal departments,
agencies and/or employers;
- Working to a professional code of ethics covering confidentiality and
Following interpreting experiences is a plus:
- business functions (Insurance industry background is a plus)
such as smaller meetings, solution requirement taking, workshops/trainings;
- large conferences and formal meetings;
【工作地点】 台北市信义区
【工作时间】 周一~周五 08:30~17:30
【月休】 周休二日
【公司福利】 N/A
【薪资范围】 60~90K/month (DOE)
【需求人数】 3
【联络人/连络方式】 chelsea.chiao@adecco.com
【其他备注】 2 years contractor role (代po,内文勿回)