[问题] 作业问题,有关combination

楼主: happyjerry (就是杰瑞)   2022-11-16 23:35:31
※状况概述:版友大家好,由于小朋友(高一)Javascript coding作业做不出来,而身为家长
Write a Javascript program in an HTML dcoument to solve each of following
problems. Use all the programming concepts you learned in class (这边因为学的
东西简报很多,就不放上来了), including loops and if statement in your programs
a) Additive Combinations
1.Please enter a postive integer greater than 1:5 ( displays the prompt in
dialog box) < Input
The additive combination(s) is/are (1,4),(2,3),(3,2),(4,1) < Output the
2.Please enter a positive integer greater than 1: -4 (displays the prompt in a
dialog box) < Input
Goodbye! < Output in the console
*Please note: Your program will continue to run until a negative value, 0 or
1 is entered.*
b) Multiplicative Combinations
Please enter a positive integer: 4 (displays the prompt in a dialog box) input
The multiplicative combination(s) is/are (1, 4), (2, 2), (4, 1). output
in the console
Please enter a positive integer: -6 (displays the prompt in a dialog box) input
Goodbye! output in the console
*Please note: Your program will continue to run until a negative value or 0
is entered.*
Marking Scheme:
i) Your program must have full documentation (Comments, proper heading and
title). [COM: 10]
ii) Declaration of variables (using appropriate names), and proper program
structure including proper tags used and proper indentation. [KU: 10]
iii) Is your program running properly? Is there any programming error?
[APP: 10]
iv) Is the output of your program generated the exact output as shown? [TI:
作者: GGing (小轩轩)   2022-11-17 07:05:00
ㄜ… JavaScript 跟 Java 是完全不同的东西
作者: qrtt1 (有些事,有时候。。。)   2022-11-17 15:58:00
https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/m/articles/10264543理解一下 backtracking 的用法,就会很好写了。
作者: TimmyWendell (流浪提米)   2022-11-22 11:25:00
作者: timcheng78 (tim)   2022-12-04 22:55:00
作者: starburs (星爆气流斩)   2021-01-16 09:06:00
作业自己写好吗 蒐集完资料连java和javascript都分不出来?
作者: almostreal (Yukai)   2021-05-07 14:02:00
作者: Benny327   2021-08-25 00:02:00
throw new Exception("Write a Javascript program")

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