相信有在潜水的Apple用户,看到这次新发售的Apple watch ultra有潜水表的功能
1. 首先Oceanic+还没正式上架,官网只写到this fall,或许会跟iOS16一起上架。
2. 有些人说有自由潜水模式,不过在Oceanic+介绍影片只有提到水肺潜水
(scuba diving)及浮潜(snorkeling)功能,在FAQs里面也没有提到自潜功能。
3. 潜水功能需要绑定iPhone (iOS16)以上才支援,iPad 不行,安卓也不行。
4. Oceanic+必须订阅才有完整功能,免费版只剩浮潜功能。
另外免费版的纪录只有12 log,超过会复写掉旧的纪录,订阅版则是无限制。
5. 潜水功能只支援空气及高氧,不支援混合气体。超过40m无法使用。
6. 有写道目前不支援潜水无线发射器,但之后不确定?!
整理到目前,感觉虽然Apple watch ultra有潜水表功能,不过长期订阅下来也是一笔不小
欢迎大家讨论新的Apple watch ultra
Oceanic+ app
1. The Oceanic+ app has different dive modes. If you intend to scuba dive,
you must have an active subscription. Without an active subscription,
you can still use the app in snorkeling mode.
2. If the Oceanic+ iPhone app is deleted, you can no longer operate
the Apple Watch Ultra Oceanic+ app for diving.
3. Oceanic+ has been designed to work exclusively with Apple Watch Ultra.
All other Apple Watches will not be compatible.
4. Oceanic+ has been designed to work only on Apple products. Not on Android.
5. Oceanic+ app is developed for iPhone and Apple Watch Ultra natively.
It currently does not work on iPad.
6. If you have an Oceanic+ paid subscription,
your logbook is technically endless. Dive as much as you want.
In the free version you are limited to 12 logs – as you record more
activities, the new session will overwrite the older sessions.
7. Oceanic+ is only compatible with air or Nitrox diving to 130 feet
(40 meters)
8. At the moment, the wireless transmitter is not currently available.