Costco 内湖店- Tesla Model S 赏车邀请
Costco 内湖店将于 2016年10月13日至10月19日举办 Tesla Model S 赏车活动!现场会有
特斯拉也特别安排会员专属的试驾规划,透过网络预约报名,体验 Model S的魅力。立即
填写简单资料安排试驾,亲身体验备受赞誉的全球首款高级电动房车 Model S。
We are pleased to invite you to the Tesla Model S pop-up held at Costco Neihu
warehouse from 2016/10/13 to 10/19.
Tesla Product Specialists will be on site to answer any questions that you
may have about EVs and charging. A limited number of test drives will be
offered exclusively to Costco members. Register online and schedule your test
drive today!