Re: [问题] How to solve Ax=b that A is not inve …

楼主: brooky (未够班)   2006-04-14 11:17:24
※ 引述《brooky (未够班)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《inuy (一歩一步前进中)》之铭言:
: : SVD
: Can we just use 'lsfit' ?
: *****************************************
: Description of lsfit:
: The least squares estimate of *b* in the model
: y = X b + e
: is found.
: *****************************************
sorry, I have forgot the requirement of hw7 is
"Use R's matrix operations to implement a regression program"
lsfit is easy to use.
However, lsfit is a little too high level and we can't get a
clear understanding of what have been done.

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