naticom (踢踢~)
2021-01-22 10:15:51原文连结:
韩媒爆料苹果和现代汽车集团(Hyundai Motor Group)合作案的新内容,据传现代想发
展自家品牌,不想当 Apple Car 代工厂,因此打造 Apple Car 的业务,将由关系企业起
亚汽车(Kia Motor)负责。
iMore、MacRumors 报导,10 日韩媒《Korea IT News》透露,苹果和现代汽车打算结盟
生产电动车,双方有意在今年 3 月前签约,新车将在起亚汽车的乔治亚州工厂生产。起
然而 19 日另一韩媒《eDaily》踢爆,现代汽车想把 Apple Car 项目交给起亚。尽管先
强烈意愿”打造自家品牌,不想当 Apple Car 的 OEM 代工厂。
果起亚决定接受,将在乔治亚州西点(West Point)的工厂打造 Apple Car。报导提到,
在美国生产会促进和苹果的合作关系。eDaily 表示,现代审慎看待提案,强调一切尚未
可能受此消息激励,19 日起亚汽车狂飙 16.64%,现代汽车狂飙 8.51%。
Autoevolution 19 日报导,尽管 Apple Car 传言满天飞,苹果仍保持沉默。上周末苹果
执行长库克和大众新闻的 Chris Wallace 对谈时,对 Apple Car 是否存在避而不谈,只
说无法对谣传做出评论。据传苹果希望在 2022 年打造出能够上路的样车,并在 2024 年
The long-rumored "Apple Car" could be produced in the United States by Kia, a
report claims, with Hyundai said to be assigning manufacturing duties to its
Reports in early 2021 hinted that Apple and Hyundai were in talks to produce
the "Apple Car," the first commercial self-driving vehicle in the United
States. In a new report, the talks have apparently progressed to a point
where it may not be Hyundai itself making the vehicle but another brand it
According to South Korea's eDaily outlet, the discussions with Hyundai Motor
Group have evolved to the point where it has internally arranged for Kia
Motors to be in charge of the project. If Kia agrees to take control of the
production side, this could lead to it using its factory in Georgia.
First spotted by iMore, the report claims the choice of using the Georgia
facility will help Kia and Apple cooperate on the project.
The decision to offload the Apple Car to Kia instead of producing it under
Hyundai is seemingly brand-reputation based. There are reportedly concerns
that the Apple Car would basically turn whatever manufacturing partner it
chooses into just an assembler instead of an established brand in its own
An industry source of the report suggests Hyundai's brand power is "strong,"
and that it would weaken the brand if it made Apple-branded vehicles instead
of its own. By handing duties over to Kia, this wouldn't dilute the Hyundai
The discussions are still supposedly ongoing, with Hyundai reportedly stating
"It has not been decided at this early stage."
Reporting from eDaily has been questionable regarding Apple's product plans
in the past. However, it has a good reputation for providing reliable
information from within the South Korean automotive supply chain.
Initial reports about the tie-up mentioned the Georgia factory, though also
the possibility of creating a new factory within the United States.
Production was suggested to involve the creation of around 100,000 vehicles
in 2024, but with the facility potentially having a capacity to produce
400,000 vehicles per year.
An Apple-created vehicle could surface quite a bit earlier, with supposed
plans to release a "beta version" of the car in 2022.