※ 引述《MontoyaX (脑残游记发售中)》之铭言:
: 如题,影片如下
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7x1n3kDuAY
: 结论是悲惨的69km/hr,狗夫车主如我看到抓不住地面侧滑的轮胎,
: 还有严重的侧倾再度叹气。
: 同场加映7代狗夫是76km/hr
: https://reurl.cc/9EemvY
: 四代马三也是76km/hr
: https://reurl.cc/mn8KR9
: 希望这一切都只是软件的错~~悲愤
km77 给的英文字幕是这样说的:
"We think that the driver has some of the responsibility for such a bad
result, but also the Bridgestone Turanza T005 tires which were mounted on
the car, because we could clearly feel that they did not provide much grip."
但是配胎 Bridgestone Turanza T005 也是,
"Something very similar happened to us with the Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe,
which, with the same tires, only completed the test at 66 km/h."
在 Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe 身上也发生了非常类似的事,
配备同样的轮胎,他只在 66 km/h 下完成了测试。
"Beyond this matter, the Golf 8 has a well balanced suspension which manages
to keep the car under control and prevents it from suffering too much
body roll."
撇开这个事情,Golf 8 有平衡的悬吊,使得这台车能维持在控制之内,