不然我们来看看国外车评对mk4 后悬吊的看法好了.
The broad suspension principles remain the same, at least on most versions.
But it’s all been renewed. Also, there are now three completely different
rear suspensions.
The hatches with the smallest, lowest-power now have a torsion-beam setup.
Sounds like a retrograde step given it’s the first time we’ve had one of
those on a mid-size Ford since the Escort. But the engineers swear it’s
actually well-enough refined that it rides as well as the current Focus, and
it’s closely related to the Fiesta ST design.
不过福特的工程师宣称,已经调校的跟这代 Focus 一样.然后跟Fiesta ST系出同门.
Meanwhile, more powerful hatches get a short-and-long arm setup. This one,
they say is better developed and gives a quieter ride than the torsion beam,
and more precise steering response.
进阶版 采用SLA:也就是多连杆. 跟扭梁比起来更安静,操控也更精准.
Finally, estates get a different layout of SLA system, with the dampers laid
near-horizontally. It’s not as tunable as the hatch setup, but it gives more
space in the boot, especially between the wheel-arches.
※ 引述《LinuxKernel (Linus Torvalds)》之铭言:
: 嘎伟老师...啊不对,是嘉伟哥这次算满快就放上Focus的试驾影片了
: 感觉完全知道乡民在想什么
: 延续近期的试车习惯,跟车子相处了好一段时间才给出心得评价
: 分析了使用扭力梁的各种可能考量(成本、空间...)
: 还放上车祸片段说明扭力梁潜在的危险(偷酸神A?)
: 也不讳言觉得扭力梁不好,但舒适度还是要看整体
: 对于Focus整体的调校配置算很满意
: 相比怡尘、老爹,在车评点阅人气前三名中,这次嘉伟哥是不是大获全胜了呢?
: 这部应该算是嘉伟哥近期讲得最好的一台了
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKummD2Tlrc
: 另外,不晓得护板神评借到车没?
: “但是我想有很多人在等我的试车” > □ [讨论] 嘉伟会如何评价focus mk4
: https://i.imgur.com/kCOE9MZ.png
: “在等我看会不会有正义的发声”
: https://i.imgur.com/ekKbY3V.png
: “有手排我都买” > 偷酸乡民
: https://i.imgur.com/7ID2JDR.png
: “手排不会来”
: https://i.imgur.com/x0BMuOu.jpg
: “很多人说Wagon我就买齁” > 换一群人被酸到
: https://i.imgur.com/91GvUTv.png
: “有讲这一句话的人你要记得喔”
: https://i.imgur.com/hCTIXfw.png
: “扭力梁确实有一些不足 这第一个” > 切入正题
: https://i.imgur.com/l9zMetO.png
: “它如果搭扭力梁很直接的就是成本的考量” > 太诚实了
: https://i.imgur.com/js7rgHP.png
: “完了 只要是扭力梁这车没办法开了” > 乡民又被酸了
: https://i.imgur.com/xqaxEHj.png
: “我们现在放一瓶水在上面” > 被乡民猜中了!
: https://i.imgur.com/n881IDD.png
: “但是这个门看起来就悲剧了” > 车板都说嘉伟只敢说好话?
: https://i.imgur.com/4SONlVr.png
: “我发现它有一个Bug” > 嘉伟哥试到接上手机车机导航就被取消回不去了
: https://i.imgur.com/BQMd3uT.png
: “我说 嗯????” > 福特证实是这样设计
: https://i.imgur.com/QxAUmaL.png
: “怎么点都没有用” > 又试到导航到一半接上手机SYNC3直接死当
: https://i.imgur.com/c6Y9rwq.png
: “表示我们要送这个了” > 乡民又中了!
: https://i.imgur.com/VjSCZVN.png
: “我想很多人都在等我要开始酸扭力梁了”
: https://i.imgur.com/0oNFx7r.png
: “它很容易发生后轮跑到前轮” > 神A躺着也中枪
: https://i.imgur.com/9PGPCIk.png
: “说到胎压” > 又中了,胎压登场!
: https://i.imgur.com/p0ywyYQ.png
: “多连杆还是好一点”
: https://i.imgur.com/cHDZNZD.png
: “其实我也觉得扭力梁不好” > 诚实豆沙包
: https://i.imgur.com/S0RZO1y.png
: “很多人看到这影片可能说我听你在放屁”
: https://i.imgur.com/A3K6ZLp.png