Scape (non)
2018-08-02 08:04:25https://goo.gl/xJvPfS
Tesla claims to have ‘world’s most advanced computer for autonomous driving
’ with Autopilot 3.0 update coming next year
标题:Tesla 声称拥有"世界上最先进的自动驾驶电脑",并将于明年推出Autopilot 3.0
Tesla is finally ‘letting the cat out of the bag’ when it comes to its new
custom-built chip for the next generation Autopilot.
Tesla 终于公开了他们为下一代AP 定制的新芯片
The automaker claims that it now has the ‘world’s most advanced computer
for autonomous driving’ that will be released in an upgrade to current
owners next year.
Back in 2016, we first exclusively reported on Tesla quietly hiring legendary
chip architect Jim Keller from AMD and we were fairly excited by the
implications of Tesla hiring such an important chip architect.
早在2016年,我们首次专门报导Tesla 悄悄聘请了AMD的传奇芯片架构师Jim Keller,
我们对Tesla 聘请如此重要的芯片架构师所带来的影响感到非常兴奋。
At the time, we speculated that Tesla could be looking into making its own
silicon at some point – speculation that was further reinforced after Keller
’s hiring was followed by a team of chip architects and executives from AMD
also joining Tesla.
当时,我们推测Tesla 可能会考虑在某个时候制造自己的芯片 - 在招聘Keller 之后,
Finally, our suspicions were confirmed two years later when Elon Musk
confirmed that Tesla is working on its own AI chip.
最后,我们的怀疑在两年后证实,当时Elon Musk 证实Tesla 正在开发自己的AI 芯片。
Keller has since left Tesla, but the team is now led by Pete Bannon, who were
amongst the other chip architects hired by Tesla over 2 years ago.
Keller 离开了Tesla,但该团队现在由Pete Bannon 领导,他们是Tesla 2年前聘请的
During Tesla’s earnings call today, Bannon confirmed that they have now
produced the chip and have it working in test vehicles on the road.
在Tesla 今天的财报电话会议上,Bannon 证实他们现在已经在生产芯片
Bannon said that the new chip will be released in a new ‘hardware 3’ suite
for Autopilot which will take the form of a new computer that will replace
the existing computer in the vehicles with Autopilot hardware 2.0 and 2.5,
which have been in production since October 2016.
Bannon 表示新芯片将在对应AP 的"硬件3"新套件中发布,它将取代自2016年10月开始
生产的那些使用AP 2.0 和2.5 硬件的车辆中的现有电脑。
Musk added that he believes that the new computer that they’ve developed is
an order of magnitude better than what they can buy now.
Musk 补充说,他相信他们开发的新电脑比他们现在购买的电脑好一个数量级。
(Nvidia 表示不服 XD)
The computer in the Autopilot 2.0 hardware suite is powered by Nvidia GPUs.
Musk says that it is capable of processing 200 frames per second and Tesla’s
hardware 3 will be able to handle 2,000 frames per second with redundancy.
Autopilot 2.0硬件套件中的电脑由Nvidia GPU 驱动。
Musk 表示它的处理速度达到200 fps,而Tesla 的硬件3套件处理速度将超过2000 fps。
He explained that they achieved that by building the chip from the ground up
to act as a ‘neural network accelerator’ based on the neural net that Tesla
’s AI and vision team have been building.
将芯片做为基于Tesl AI 和视觉团队一直在构建的神经网络的"神经网络加速器"。
Bannon and Musk reiterated that the new computer will be offered as an
upgrade to current Autopilot 2.0 (and up) owners by simply swapping the
current computer.
Bannon 和Musk 重申,通过简单地交换目前的电脑,
将可为当前的Autopilot 2.0(及以上) 的车主升级新电脑。
Earlier this year, we took a close look at the current computer in Model S,
Model X, and Model 3 with Autopilot 2.5.
今年早些时候,我们仔细研究了使用AP 2.5 的Model S/X/3 中的电脑。
Tesla has previously said that this upgrade will be offered for free since
Tesla has been advertising Autopilot 2.0 cars as being fully autonomous ready
and therefore, any upgrade to make it fully autonomous should be free.
Tesla 此前曾表示,此次升级将免费提供,因为Tesla 已经将AP 2.0 汽车宣传为
Bannon said the upgrade is planned for next year.
Bannon 说这项升级计划于明年实施。
In the meantime, Tesla is still planning to improve Autopilot on the current
hardware with software version 9 coming in ‘4 weeks’.
与此同时,Tesla 仍计划在现有硬件上改进Autopilot,软件版本v.9 将在4周内发送。
这是Tesla 首度证实了他们自制的芯片已经在测试中
以前我在这篇文章中有提到关于Keller 大神离职的事情:
│ 文章代码(AID): #1QvfQjwN (car) [ptt.cc] [新闻] 自动驾驶之争的缩影:Waymo │
│ 文章网址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1525061293.A.E97.html │
│ 这一篇文章值 25 Ptt币 │
当时我认为Keller 离职代表的是Tesla 的自主芯片研发已经接近完成
这比每股亏损高于预期、收入也高于预期、盘后大涨9.x% 要重要多了
这代表Tesla 是目前唯一一间有自己的自动驾驶AI 芯片的车厂
另外一间有自己的AI 芯片的汽车相关公司是Waymo,但它并不生产汽车
Waymo 想要做的是买车来改装,创建自己的全自动驾驶车队
而Tesla 想要做的是不管车主有没有花钱买全自动驾驶套件,只要是从Tesla 生产的车
当然其他车厂也可以向Nvidia 或Intel(mobileye) 买自驾芯片
Waymo 有自己的车队(未来过几年大概会成长到接近10万辆这量级)可以蒐集
而Tesla 则是目前就有10几20几万辆能在路上蒐集资料(当然需要车主同意)
今年Tesla 预估应该会卖出20几万辆新车,明年应该可以来到50万辆
所以在蒐集测试里程这件事情上,Tesla 跟Waymo 都有很大的先行优势
回到免费更换 3.0硬件这件事情上,这对于消费者来说应该是再好不过的消息了
cattgirl (小喵超爱合购)
2018-08-02 08:18:00买了
loat (虚累累)
2018-08-02 08:27:00想买 但是买不起 QQ
jiern (jiern)
2018-08-02 08:28:00可怜 一间车厂最有优值只剩芯片
alex01 (爱 立刻 湿)
2018-08-02 08:48:00别倒就好
esla (无限解、解无限)
2018-08-02 08:58:00请问,最有“优值”是啥东西
作者: juin20love (优美的歌声) 2018-08-02 09:02:00
楼上不要问~很可怕XD 希望他能把话说清楚再来酸.....
作者: LebraDcup6 (喇叭D罩杯) 2018-08-02 09:14:00
ninjaxin (逢甲金城武)
2018-08-02 09:18:00佛 赶快买一台
a9564208 (YOU OUT!!)
2018-08-02 09:22:00佛心公司
FcuKobe (逢甲狗鼻)
2018-08-02 09:48:00免费升级没错啊 但是要排多久
atelier (迷恋)
2018-08-02 10:13:00应该采用第三方的泛用芯片 哪有钱这样到处开战场
Scape (non)
2018-08-02 10:14:00Tesla 养芯片团队已经至少两年多了,并不是现在才要开始架构完成现在就等测试然后丢给人代工就好
volcom (å—å°ç£å»ºæå°å¤©çŽ‹)
2018-08-02 10:16:00九月软件会升级为V9.0版本 预计会搭载行车记录器功能
Ekmund (是一只小叔)
2018-08-02 10:50:00比现役NV强是天经地义 pass卡都几年前的架构了真正要比的目标是Waymo 或者说是Intel
作者: hooorb (Hooorb) 2018-08-02 10:52:00
但实际上 自动驾驶最好的不是Tesla
Ekmund (是一只小叔)
2018-08-02 10:54:00NV的芯片最近反而没什么应用消息
作者: hooorb (Hooorb) 2018-08-02 10:54:00
但Tesla在台湾用国产价卖车子给台湾人 所以给推
dslite (呼呼)
2018-08-02 10:57:00NV就学校专用卡 不适合量产
作者: jasonkey123 (jasonkey123) 2018-08-02 11:06:00
Barolo (Barolo)
2018-08-02 11:14:00这保障升级太神啦 不赶快入手一台说得过去吗!?
Beakhsu (两个儿子的爸爸)
2018-08-02 12:16:00Phantom Brake 现在很少发生了。几乎忘记有这件事了
Ankuo (奶茶就是我的辣妹)
2018-08-02 12:58:00推2楼跟24楼,要帮别的牌子护航先做到这两点再说
作者: juin20love (优美的歌声) 2018-08-02 14:52:00
产量逐渐开出快要买的到了~楼上不过说快也要明年...0rz 下半年12万辆明年33万辆
gpee (watch)
2018-08-02 15:19:00太佛了!
TaiwanNeko (å°ç£å°å°è²“)
2018-08-02 21:07:00Tesla好车,但相对便宜是因为电动车免货物税
是不用排多久啦 之前进厂解锁加速度 不但免费 也一周内就排到我解锁 半天就弄好可以领车 效率蛮优Tesla就算是需回厂免费升级的项目 过往经验是 处理很迅速