[情报] Honda将成为Red Bull Racing PU合作伙伴

楼主: hondasho (本田)   2018-06-19 19:40:41
Honda 和 Red Bull Racing 于台湾时间 6/19(二),一同正式发布官方新闻稿,宣布将在
2019 赛季起,展开为期两年的合作关系。
Honda 和 Red Bull Racing 签署 PU供应合作协议
Honda 和 Red Bull Group 以及 Red Bull Racing,针对 2019 及 2020 年赛季,达成为
透过本次的合作,Honda 将会为 Red Bull Racing 以及 2018 赛季开始合作,同时也是
Red Bull Group 体系下的 Scuderia Toro Rosso,共计两支车队提供同款 PU,一同为 2
019 赛季奋斗。
■ 本田技研工业株式会社 代表取缔役社长 八郷隆弘
“除了 2018 赛季开始合作的 Toro Rosso 车队,2019 赛季也将和 Aston Martin Red B
ull Racing 车队成为伙伴。这代表明年我们将会为两支车队提供 PU,借由这样的合作,
我们有机会得到更多的数据资料,进而提升开发的速度。此外,透过和 Red Bull Racing
、Toro Rosso 这两支强力车队建立合作关系,我认为我们离迈向胜利的目标又近了。虽
关系。同时也要再次请一直以来不断支持 Honda 的粉丝们,继续帮不断挑战的我们加油
■ Red Bull Motorsport顾问 Helmut Marko博士
“这次 Red Bull Group 和 Honda 缔结合作关系,对于 Red Bull Technology 旗下的两
支车队 Red Bull Racing 以及 Toro Rosso 来说,可以说是即将为新时代展开序幕。此
外,至此为止我们也见识到了 Honda 的努力与进步,并向我们传达借由合作能够争取到
待和 Honda 一起合作。”
■ Aston Martin Red Bull Racing领队 Christian Horner
“本次和 Honda 签订两年的合约,对于 Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 来说,有着迈
审慎地分析及评估,我们确信和 Honda 缔结合作伙伴关系,会带领车队朝正确的方向前
进。Honda 在今年和我们的姐妹队 Toro Rosso 有着让人印象深刻的进步及速度,Honda
对于 F1 的目标,和我们的目标是相同的。非常开心明年开始能和 Honda 一同合作,并
以一同登上 F1 的顶点为目标。”
Honda to Supply F1 Power Units to Red Bull Racing
June 19, 2018, Japan Corporate
TOKYO, Japan, June 19, 2018 – Honda and Red Bull Group have signed an agreeme
nt whereby Honda will enter into a partnership with Red Bull Racing to supply
it with power units for two years from the start of the 2019 FIA Formula One*
World Championship. This will be in addition to its current agreement with Red
Bull Scuderia Toro Rosso. The two Red Bull-owned teams will run identical spe
cification Honda Power Units.
■Takahiro Hachigo, President and Representative Director of Honda Motor Co.,
“Having established a good relationship with Scuderia Toro Rosso, we have dec
ided to extend our Formula One involvement to the other team in the Red Bull f
amily, Aston Martin Red Bull Racing, as from the 2019 season. Having two teams
means we can access twice as much data as previously. We believe that working
with both Toro Rosso and Red Bull Racing will allow us to get closer to our g
oal of winning races and Championships, building two strong partnerships. Disc
ussions proceeded very quickly, thanks to Red Bull’s open and respectful atti
tude towards Honda, leading to a deal that is fair and equitable for all parti
■Dr. Helmut Marko, Red Bull Motorsport Advisor
“This partnership with Honda signals a new era for Red Bull Group in Formula
One with both the Toro Rosso and Red Bull Racing teams benefitting from common
supply co-ordinated through Red Bull Technology. We have been extremely impre
ssed by Honda’s commitment and progress and share like minded ambitions to co
mpete for Championships. With this integrated approach between the companies w
e very much look forward to working with Honda.”
■Christian Horner, Aston Martin Red Bull Racing Team Principal
“This multi-year agreement with Honda signals the start of an exciting new ph
ase in Aston Martin Red Bull Racing’s efforts to compete not just for grand p
rix wins but for what is always our goal – championship titles. We have alway
s taken decisions such as this dispassionately and with only one criteria in m
ind – do we believe the outcome will allow us to compete at a higher level. A
fter careful consideration and evaluation we are certain this partnership with
Honda is the right direction for the team. We have been impressed by Honda’s
commitment to F1, by the rapid steps they have made in recent times with our
sister team Scuderia Toro Rosso, and by the scope of their ambition, which mat
ches our own. We look forward to working with Honda in the coming years and to
racing together in pursuit of F1’s biggest prizes.”
*F崄廨ation Internationale de l'Automobile
<Aston Martin Red Bull Racing>
Location:Milton Keynes, UK
Team Principal:Christian Horner
First Race:2005
Official Website:https://redbullracing.redbull.com
作者: okay1993 (青草茶)   2018-06-19 19:45:00
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作者: sdd5426 (★黑白小羊☆)   2018-06-19 20:30:00
作者: l81920 (==)   2018-06-19 20:47:00
惨! 我是说红牛
作者: alexlu70233 (congomaster)   2018-06-19 21:38:00
作者: gn02143363 (Han)   2018-06-19 21:42:00
作者: Jacky4939112 (MDFKR)   2018-06-19 21:52:00
GP2 engine
作者: leouni (雷欧优逆)   2018-06-19 21:54:00
麦拉拉 裤子都已经被海水冲走了
作者: cfk301 (WHY ME)   2018-06-19 22:03:00
楼主: hondasho (本田)   2018-06-19 22:29:00
简单说就是去年年底麦田分手,麦拉拉和小牛互换PU供应商(PU是Power Unit的缩写,因为进入油电世代,不是只提供引擎(ICE)而已,还包含 MGU-H、MGU-K、Turbocharger、Energy Store 以及 Control Electronics 等其他套件,所以用 PU 供应商来取代引擎供应商),所以今年麦拉拉用雷诺,小牛用本田,而大牛今年为止还是用雷诺~ 大牛因为和雷诺的合约到今年,所以续约或是改用本田,是今天之前的讨论议题~
作者: homerunball   2018-06-20 01:11:00
Gp2 engine
作者: alexlu70233 (congomaster)   2018-06-20 01:16:00
作者: stevely (stevely)   2018-06-20 02:15:00
红牛...... 希望明年还是有竞争力
作者: waterdesign (水●设计)   2018-06-20 06:40:00
作者: l81920 (==)   2018-06-20 14:54:00

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