Scape (non)
2018-05-16 00:26:11原文连结:
Electric vehicles already have several advantages over gas-powered cars. From
no fuel cost to zero tailpipe emission, but now a new study might confirm
another often overlooked advantage of EVs.
The quieter driving environment of an electrically driven vehicle can have
significant mental health benefits, according to a new brain monitoring study.
The study was led by acoustics expert Dr. Duncan Williams of the University
of York and ordered by LEVC (London EV Company), which makes the electric
black cabs operating in London.
该研究由 York 大学的声学专家 Dr. Duncan Williams 领导,是由LEVC(伦敦EV公司)
What they did is place an electroencephalogram, often referred to as a ‘
brain cap’, on the head of four professional cabbies who all operate in
central London and monitor their brain activity as they drove both the
electric and diesel black cabs.
They claim that the results indicate that drivers are more focused, calmer,
and happier when driving the electric version of the taxi:
More focused than when driving the diesel vehicle
* Higher levels of beta brain wave activity were recorded by drivers in the
electric vehicle, which indicates higher levels of active concentration. In
short, while driving the electric taxi, drivers were freed up get on with
* This was particularly noticeable when vehicles are waiting at traffic lights
– a common situation for the London cabbie
简而言之,在驾驶电动出租车时,司机觉得更放松了 (这句乱翻,想不到怎么翻好)
*当在等红灯时这一点尤为明显 - 这是伦敦出租车司机常见的情况
Calmer than when driving the diesel vehicle
* Heart rate was consistently less variable in the electric taxi than the
diesel taxi, indicating greater mental calmness
* The electric taxi was a less noisy working environment for the drivers with
around 5dB less overall amplitude, and an increased dynamic range in
comparison to recordings from the diesel taxi.
*与柴油出租车相比,电动出租车的工作环境噪音整体上低了 5dB,震动也较少
Happier than when driving the diesel vehicle
* Additional driver survey data showed that the largest improvement over the
diesel taxi reported by the drivers was increased happiness
* This was followed by reduced stress and less distraction in the electric taxi
Dr. Williams also commented on the findings of the study:
Dr. Williams 还评论了这项研究的结果:
This study proved hugely interesting. The drivers all reported being calmer,
less stressed and happier in the electric taxi than in the old diesel model.
Traditionally those feelings would correlate with more Alpha brain waves,
which are a good indicator of relaxation. But when we looked at the data, the
drivers’ showed more Beta brain waves, an indicator of mental activity and
减压和更快乐。传统上,这些感觉会与更多的 Alpha 脑波相关联,这是一个放松的好指
标。 但是当我们查看数据时,看到了司机们有更多的 Beta 脑波,这是心理活动和注意力
What does this mean? Well, the study suggests that the quieter driving
environment allowed cabbies to be in a more concentrated state of mind. In
other words, by removing the noisy diesel engine rumble, they are perhaps
freed up to get on with driving in a more focused, but calm way. It’s a
fascinating result and, given the movement towards electric commercial
vehicles, shows there are even more benefits of going electric than we might
have previously thought.
They say that all the drivers already had driven many miles in the electric
TX taxi and were familiar with its controls and driving behavior.