Scape (non)
2017-01-14 07:03:08看到这消息心里噗兹了一声
之前宣称的0-100km/hr加速2.4秒赢过Tesla Model S P100D的2.5秒
背后金主 乐视CEO贾跃亭更说,只要再100亿人民币,这车就能开始量产
乐视除了自己的乐视汽车外,还投资了Lucid Motors、Faraday Future
有那么多投资者会相信贾跃亭吗? 个人表示非常的怀疑
5250 * 2283 * 1598 mm,车宽接近2.3公尺
Faraday Future’s new FF91 electric vehicle will cost ‘less than $300,000
’, says CEO Jia Yueting
A lot has been said about Faraday Future leading to the unveiling of its
first production-intent vehicle at CES earlier this month and since, but
the price range of the all-electric vehicle has so far been elusive and
the company has never confirmed it.
Jia Yueting, CEO of LeEco and Faraday Future’s main backer, gave us our
best idea of the price this week by saying that will cost “less than
We knew it wouldn’t be cheap considering it is equipped with a 130 kWh
battery pack and it features tons of gadgets, like a retractable lidar
sensor, touch-sensitive screens all around the car, and much more.
The price range of $150,000 to $200,000 has been mentioned in the past,
but now it looks like it could easily be significantly more than that.
In an interview (Chinese), Jia said that the FF91 will cost “less than
200 million Chinese Yuan”, which is the equivalent of $290,000 USD.
He said that in China, therefore, the price could be significantly
different in the US, but it’s still a good indication that previous
speculation could be well below the actual price.
There’s not a big market for vehicles with a $200,000 to $300,000 price
range and it will be interesting to see what will come of it.
Of course, it’s not even clear yet how they will bring the vehicle to
market and how they will pay for it. Construction work for the planned
factory in North Las Vegas has been delayed following late payments and
while Jia has raised more money to finance his electric vehicle
ambitions, financial troubles have been reported ahead of the unveiling
of the vehicle.
Nonetheless, he reiterates that Faraday plans to bring the FF91 to market
in 2018, which sounds unlikely, but we will give them the benefit of the
doubt for now.
Aside for a few gimmicks, the vehicle itself is quite impressive. The
paint job on the prototypes unveiled at CES didn’t look good in my
opinion, but the one showed in the press package looks stunning (without
the retractable lidar). Of course, that’s why it’s in the press package: