Scape (non)
2016-10-25 16:37:42消费者报告在去年底公布了2015年的Best car,Tesla占据了前两名[1]
第一名是Model S P85D
第二名是Model S
不过就在这个宣布几个星期之后,消费者报告停止推荐Model S
早期的Model S有少数车辆具有驱动单元方面的问题,必须更换才能解决
而根据消费者报告自己的调查,有97%的车主对于会不会再次购买Model S给了肯定的答案
可靠性问题就是消费者报告在2015年中时取消对Model S推荐的原因
而2016年的现在,消费者报告又重新推荐了Model S
因为根据他们的调查[2],Model S的可靠性已经提高到高于平均的水准
所以又重新向消费者推荐Model S这款车
至于Model X,消费者报告还没有对他进行道路测试
Tesla今年稍早的时候聘请了Apple 的Reliability Director
[1]: http://www.consumerreports.org/cars/the-best-cars-of-2015/
[2]: https://goo.gl/JpEL2s
Tesla Model S re-earns Consumer Reports’ recommendation on improved
Consumer Reports really likes the Model S. Last year, it somehow managed to
place both first and second in their “best cars of 2015” list, and the P85D
broke their rating system by scoring 103 out of 100 points – beating the
previous 85kWh model which had previously been described as the “best car
ever” when it scored 99 out of 100 on the same scale. That’s right, not
the best EV ever, but the best car ever. It has also topped their list with
the highest owner satisfaction ratings ever seen in multiple surveys of their
subscribers, as well as the highest satisfaction for repairs and service.
So last year, when Consumer Reports rescinded their recommendation, it was
big news. But today, Consumer Reports has reversed that decision based on
new reliability ratings, and now that the Model S is back in “average”
reliability range, it means that Consumer Reports can once again recommend
that consumers buy it.
Consumer Reports doesn’t only recommend cars based on their road test or
consumer satisfaction scores, but also on their reliability ratings. If a
car is below-average in reliability, Consumer Reports will not recommend it.
Last year, Tesla found an issue with its early drive units and many cars had
to come in for drive unit replacements. While the fix ended up being fairly
easy and not very costly for Tesla or time consuming for owners, the number
of repair visits exceeded Consumer Reports’ threshold for “average”
reliability, which resulted in Tesla dropping from their “recommended” list.
But after Tesla’s fixes, reliability issues decreased by 50%, which was
enough for the Model S to earn its way out of the “below average”
reliability category.
Consumer Reports has not yet rated the Model X with a road test, but they
have issued a warning about reliability of early models. The report today
mentions many problems with the falcon wing doors, which were a significant
part of early Model X production delays and poor reliability on the first
delivered cars.
Consumer Reports generally waits a while before issuing road test and
reliability scores, so as to not be overly affected by the problems of a few
early models, so it will be interesting to see how the data works out once
they issue a formal recommendation for the Model X.
It is likely that a similar story will play out as with the Model S – the
car is fantastic, owners love it, but early reliability problems may stop
Consumer Reports from recommending the car until later models achieve better
reliability. Even those early reliability problems do not seem too
cumbersome to owners, though, given that Tesla has earned the aforementioned
top marks for service and repair.
The Model X first entered production officially in September 2015, but volume
production really only started in mid-2016. Earlier this year, we reported on
Tesla hiring Apple’s Reliability Director to scale up production with
iPhone-like dependability.