[分享] Tesla车主:Autopilot让我闪过了三宝攻击

楼主: Scape (non)   2016-09-07 15:24:54
While news outlets are quick to jump on the opportunity to report on
accidents involving Tesla’s Autopilot system, the Autopilot helping prevent
accidents is actually a more common occurrence and it doesn’t get nearly as
much attention.
Of course, there’s no wreckage to grab the eye and therefore, it rarely
reaches the media’s standard of sensationalism, but it helps when it is
caught on a dashcam. After a near miss on the highway today in California, a
Tesla Model S owner credited the Autopilot in helping avoid an accident.
Tesla’s vehicles equipped with the Autopilot sensor suite feature blind spot
and side collision warnings/avoidance.
In the dashcam footage seen below, the Model S (2016 Tesla Model S 60 to be
precise) was in the middle lane and in the blind spot of a car on the left
lane. The car on the left then proceeded to merge in the Tesla’s lane
without seemingly looking in the blind spot.
Tesla’s side collision warnings sent out an alert and admittedly since the
Tesla driver reacted quickly to the warning, he doesn’t know if the side
collision avoidance system steered the vehicle away from the otherwise
inevitable collision or if it was his own doing. He wrote:
“I’m still in shock about this, so I can’t remember if I steered right, or
Model S helped me steer the wheel. I only remember there is a chime warning
sound and I immediately take the control and try to avoid the collision.”
Either way, if the side collision avoidance didn’t prevent the accident, the
side collision warnings certainly did help and they are both powered by the
Tesla Autopilot.
The near miss is reminiscent of another incident back in April. A Tesla Model
S narrowly avoided a side collision when a boom-lift truck merged in the
right lane without looking. The whole thing was also caught on camera and the
driver, Joshua Brown, the same Tesla owner who died in a car crash on
Autopilot a month later, credited the system for saving him.
Since the sound of the dashcam is off on the footage from today’s near miss,
here’s another close call and you can clearly hear the warning in the video:Either way, if the side collision avoidance didn’t prevent the accident, the
side collision warnings certainly did help and they are both powered by the
Tesla Autopilot.
The near miss is reminiscent of another incident back in April. A Tesla Model
S narrowly avoided a side collision when a boom-lift truck merged in the
right lane without looking. The whole thing was also caught on camera and the
driver, Joshua Brown, the same Tesla owner who died in a car crash on
Autopilot a month later, credited the system for saving him.
Since the sound of the dashcam is off on the footage from today’s near miss,
here’s another close call and you can clearly hear the warning in the video:
作者: abyssa1 (abyssa1)   2016-09-07 15:30:00
作者: ck940560 (しけ)   2016-09-07 15:30:00
作者: iamspy (宁)   2016-09-07 15:36:00
智慧版环景~ 医师要不要推一下这系统~
作者: bluedolphin ( GENAU)   2016-09-07 15:38:00
他都说不记得了 为啥标题还说是autopilot救了他
作者: JEON (果然是乡民的世界)   2016-09-07 15:39:00
作者: john200 (信任感没了 就什么都没了)   2016-09-07 15:40:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 15:59:00
一般车出事又不是用auto pilot 这样也可以护航喔逻辑有问题
作者: Tuvalu (图瓦卢)   2016-09-07 16:23:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鸟不要开招 开招时机?2)   2016-09-07 16:25:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 16:26:00
算不算auto pilot的确难说 但是拿一般汽车来比 也太好笑
作者: csco ( ARM 株式会社)   2016-09-07 16:26:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 16:29:00
特斯拉是领先指标 被放大检视是正常的严格来说 大家要感谢他当白老鼠未来自动驾驶的历史 特斯拉一定记上一笔
作者: JEON (果然是乡民的世界)   2016-09-07 16:35:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 16:40:00
其实特斯拉自己一定也有偷偷研发 不一定要用那家公司的这个算法在未来一定是兵家必争之地 他不会放过
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:01:00
作者: Barolo (Barolo)   2016-09-07 17:03:00
楼上 稀有事件是不能这样比的...............
作者: blackmamba24 (阿纬)   2016-09-07 17:13:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 17:16:00
ccc说的事情 必须等到自动驾驶大量使用之后 才能定论吧
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:21:00
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:23:00
人类会疲劳恍神 还有三宝满街跑 我宁愿相信不会累的电脑也不相信三宝
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:24:00
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:25:00
而且自动驾驶如果愈来愈多 车辆彼此之间可以沟通的话事故机率只会更低
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:25:00
作者: incKevin (南方龟龟BAND)   2016-09-07 17:26:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 17:26:00
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:27:00
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:27:00
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:28:00
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:28:00
自动驾驶反而可以避免人类成为三宝如果用自动驾驶 100%遵守交通规则根本不会有事故
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:34:00
作者: NishikoriKei (圭圭)   2016-09-07 17:36:00
TESLA可没说AUTOPILOT可以让你放手看哈利波特对的工具 错误的操作 死了怪别人
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:38:00
机械故障的话当然还是可能 但电脑要出事除非逻辑出问题不然电脑要撞车机率绝对比人类低太多了
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:39:00
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:47:00
说穿了只是人类对于无法掌控的事物有恐惧心理罢了自动驾驶不是我在控制感觉就是不安心然后出车祸就会说:你看 电脑真不可靠如果是我自己开就不会这样BLA BLA BLA...
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 17:53:00
数学证明只是在他的模型下成立 现实不见得成立最安全的自动驾驶一定是大家都一起联网 控制
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:54:00
作者: ccc73123   2016-09-07 17:54:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 17:55:00
问题是一定会有人不愿意 除非强制 所以这里面太多讨论空间
作者: Dialysis (           )   2016-09-07 17:55:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 17:56:00
所以才说自动控制一定好 是在理想状态我脑补一下 现实可能会各家厂各自有各自的自动驾驶这时候个家的参数一定不会一样 这时候模型还会成立吗有可能大家都不会关掉自动驾驶 进行危险的超车动作吗
作者: KGSox (天天开心)   2016-09-07 18:00:00
最理想的状况就是像关键报告那样 车流都是统一控制 所以阿汤哥要被叫回去时只能跳车
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 18:06:00
简单说 要偷情一定要关掉啦 不然行踪一定都被记录了上班要开小差 也要关 最后路上一定还是有一堆没联网的
作者: Morphee (千磨万击还坚劲)   2016-09-07 18:24:00
AutoPilot 一定是未来,挡不住的
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 18:29:00
认同啦 时间点问题而以 跟电动车一样反正车厂一定会说这只是辅助驾驶 不然发生事故 赔不完
作者: ariesd (台中长颈鹿)   2016-09-07 18:47:00
作者: shengyeh (shengyeh)   2016-09-07 18:50:00
为了要骗保险 一定要有金手指改机 骗电脑没关自动驾驶
作者: JEON (果然是乡民的世界)   2016-09-07 20:32:00
作者: wallace0829 (阿伟)   2016-09-07 20:57:00
作者: moneypack3 (钱包三号)   2016-09-07 21:09:00
作者: nrevols (Nate River)   2016-09-08 02:23:00
作者: GGundam   2016-09-08 08:36:00
作者: piyopiyolee (John Lee)   2016-09-08 13:16:00
作者: john668 (john668)   2016-09-10 10:45:00
这不就是在死角吗 我自己开车不会开在这种位置..

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