※ 引述《ceramic2 (醒脑的持续工程)》之铭言:
: : 推 nonname: 吴派 莫是龙 黄辉 米万钟 都没听过 03/21 16:46
: : → nonname: 徐青藤比较熟 陈道复略闻 03/21 16:48
: : → nonname: 不熟的人中 有什么见解或值得讨论的事可以分享给大家嘛? 03/21 16:48
: : → ceramic2: 以前有在板上说遇,找不到了哈 03/21 19:12
: : 推 Goodsignet: 了解,没事;无聊乱入而已 03/21 21:00
: : 推 enamelcord: 感觉好有趣!www 03/23 00:20
: 文征明 sometimes writes big words,
: and 莫是龙、黄辉、米万钟、王铎, too.
: Therefore, I think they are brothers of Wu school.
: 王 said that I dont know any of them,
: The chauvinistic style is mine.
It is just my style, so I feel very sad.
We are all friends.
: If there was any chance, I should give a lecture to memtion it.
: oh oh oh The end !!!