crassa (crassa)
2018-04-12 00:02:16自己回自己的文章,后来我写信给kobo客服
Dear Customer,
This is Kobo Customer Care.
We apologize for any inconvenience may have caused.
First of all, we do not offer any repair service for eReaders.
Also, we do not offer replacements for other countries, and we only can
replace your device when you have a chance to live in Japan or have someone
living in Japan to help you.
If you live in another country and if your Aura ONE is replaceable according
to our Warranty Rule, we would like to offer your replacement with someone
else who currently lives in Japan.
First, please take a look and try the following steps that may solve the
problem of your Kobo Aura ONE.
Please try them again even though you have already done before.