[请问] Publishing house 和 Publisher 一样吗?

楼主: MrTaxes (得粥加汤)   2025-03-02 09:21:29
The publishing house announced it would be dropping 19 of its
journals associated with a publisher they had acquired, in part
because they infested with fake papers.
前面的"publishing house"和"publisher"应该是不一样的,
还有" with a publisher they had acquired "的"they"是指什么?
是指publishing house? 但前面代名词已经用单数it
还是指 journals ? 那要"...had acquired"要怎么翻译理解?
以上请教 谢谢大家
作者: Xa73 (Anonymous)   2025-03-02 10:01:00
作者: kerrinblue (fallen)   2025-03-02 10:48:00
一般来说应该同义,在这篇应有"规模"的差异(前大后小)they: 指前者"publishing house"it: 一样指前者had acquired: 大出版社收购小出版社连同其出版品

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