作者: kosuzu (No bear No life) 2022-12-03 23:38:00
I'm late see you next timeyou can't do this . WelcomeNo way . you are so gentlemenplease. are you OK?I'm home. have nice travel?遅刻だ!!!! またねやめてください いらっしゃいませだめだ! 优しいね。お愿い。大丈夫?ただいま。いってらっしゃーい
作者: cathychg (凯西) 2022-12-04 04:07:00
ask your self OK the residental in wherejust like the nodric or slavic ,English is not there original language....the residental in where slavic or nodric actuallyit was .....the original language is not English OK no matter Germanyas far as I know =_____=