Re: [心情] 一直哭怎么办

楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:11:51
: Who’s full of love
: And she reminds me what’s the feeling of love
: But she gonna leave me in one month
: I don’t know
: I just can’t help crying
: because I realize I’ve totally fallen in love with her
: The point is she gonna leave Taiwan in one month and I think I’ll never mee
: anyone like her
: She’s so special
: Maybe I just releasing all of my pressures in these years
: But I need to stop this
: I need to work and meet her tomorrow
: It’s so hard to accept these feelings again.
: Yeah The feeling of falling in love is beautiful
: At the same time the feeling of sadness is strong as well
: I thought I’m a rational guy, but I’m not
: So how to fix this
: I have to stop these emotional things
: Please help me
: Sorry for the English writing I’ve drank half bottle of whiskey.
我正式宣布 撒花版英文写作时间正式开始 由我陈到主导
My dude, dear apple,
To start off by saying everything is fine is to lie
I am not going to lie to you
It will not be easy it never will
Falling in love is like swimming in quicksand
You know you shouldn’t but you jumped in anyway
You know you will eventually be devoured by it but you jumped anyway
A month is not a long period,
But a month is still a decent amount of time
In the sense, that the clock will turn 60rounds
Before she leaves you
So why are you focusing on what happening after she left
Live in the moment
Grab on to the time that god has given you
Tell her how you feel, how you liked her
My son, I cannot guarantee that you will win her over
My son, I cannot look into your scared little eye and tell you that things wil
l change
As a matter of fact, it is likely nothing will change
But at least when the moment of sadness comes
You will not be trapped with the feeling of regret and sorrow
And eventually, one day you will look back on this very day
And give it a smile, mesmerising that how you have tried and failed
And that how silly you are
My son, no one is rational, at least not In love
Love is, well mysterious, it has beauty in it unknown
But listen my son there is no fixing in love
There is only scar and broken pieces
And we can only hope that one day
One day these broken pieces form into a beautiful crystal
So my son, let your emotion wild let it race
Let it race on the wild field of grass
Set it out and feel your emotion
Listen to it and what it needs
Embrace it, for you and only you are what it matter if your emotion
Yours Sincerely
加油! 别让自己后悔
作者: lululun ( )   2019-03-08 02:15:00
? 分享 留言赞全英文 好强疴喜翻
作者: jetaime851 (jetaime)   2019-03-08 02:16:00
just tell him to jerk off and go to sleep
楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:16:00
我也喜番 啊啊啊啊啊
作者: lululun ( )   2019-03-08 02:17:00
但内容老调阿 有没有够正的马子介绍给他比较实际@@
楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:17:00
有 我这边有一位叫子瑜的妹子他说他缺男友
作者: jetaime851 (jetaime)   2019-03-08 02:19:00
作者: Beanoodle (屏东尼大目小栗旬)   2019-03-08 02:19:00
作者: das123 (曲终人散的寂寞)   2019-03-08 02:19:00
干嘛讨厌英文 很有用欸XDD
楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:20:00
作者: das123 (曲终人散的寂寞)   2019-03-08 02:21:00
楼上 他可能被教授当英文了 所有不开心了
作者: lululun ( )   2019-03-08 02:22:00
真的♥ 好喜番会讲英文的男生 感觉$$也不会少
楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:22:00
作者: lululun ( )   2019-03-08 02:26:00
有心动咧 可是讲出来就破功勒>‧< 下次让我装不认识 偶遇
楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:26:00
那我在发一篇文 然后假装不知道 你要发喔><
作者: lululun ( )   2019-03-08 02:30:00
好喔 那可以明天再寄吗 今天扣打没了 懒的发文回信咧@@
楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:30:00
好>< 好兴奋喔
作者: lululun ( )   2019-03-08 02:32:00
作者: AppleMan (苹果仁)   2019-03-08 02:33:00
作者: diuleilomo (玻璃心玩家芽芽>.<)   2019-03-08 02:33:00
作者: ilovenacy (我爱南西><)   2019-03-08 02:37:00
楼主: ChenDao (陈到字叔至)   2019-03-08 02:43:00
干appleman 你害我真的期待 你母汤
作者: NotLuo (肛裂彩芽)   2019-03-08 02:51:00
厉害 写得真好英文好了不起喔

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