[心情] 一直哭怎么办

楼主: AppleWatch5 (氵卓月)   2019-03-08 01:56:00
几乎都一个人生活 拒绝朋友邀约强迫自己跟负面情绪共处
Who’s full of love
And she reminds me what’s the feeling of love
But she gonna leave me in one month
I don’t know
I just can’t help crying
because I realize I’ve totally fallen in love with her
The point is she gonna leave Taiwan in one month and I think I’ll never meet
anyone like her
She’s so special
Maybe I just releasing all of my pressures in these years
But I need to stop this
I need to work and meet her tomorrow
It’s so hard to accept these feelings again.
Yeah The feeling of falling in love is beautiful
At the same time the feeling of sadness is strong as well
I thought I’m a rational guy, but I’m not
So how to fix this
I have to stop these emotional things
Please help me
Sorry for the English writing I’ve drank half bottle of whiskey.
作者: AppleMan (苹果仁)   2019-03-08 01:57:00
作者: blackzero1 (honChao)   2019-03-08 01:57:00
作者: diuleilomo (玻璃心玩家芽芽>.<)   2019-03-08 02:00:00
作者: Beanoodle (屏东尼大目小栗旬)   2019-03-08 02:03:00
作者: lululun ( )   2019-03-08 02:09:00
那离开一年咧 你会怎样喔 是在一个月内要离开你喔 sorry
作者: panda80911   2019-03-08 08:27:00

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