Re: [问卦] 有没有中国台北 vs 中华台北的卦?

楼主: ccyaztfe (best_troll_tw)   2018-11-28 20:21:02
※ 引述《deathwomen (嗲嘻窝门)》之铭言:
: 我是已经戒毒的中华台北人
: 最近一直疑惑如何跟外国人介绍中华民国,想了这段可能发生的桥段,希望英文专业的乡民
: 帮我看看
: A是外国人
: B是我
: A: Hi, Nice to mee you. Where are you from?
: B: I'm from the Republic of China.
: A: Oh, China. Great country. My family and I went to China last year. The great
: Wall was amazing!
: B: Nonono. The Great Wall is in the People's Republic of China. But I'm from th
: e Republic of China. We are different.
: A; What? You just said you are from China, right?
: B: No, not China. Although our offical name is the Reupbilc of China, but we usu
: ally use Chinese Taipei as our alternative name.
: A: Oh, Taipei. I get it. You are from Taiwan.
: B: Nonono. Not Taiwan. Taiwan is just a part of the Republic of China. We use Ch
: inese Taipei.
: A: Okay. So... Taipei belongs to China?
: B: Nonono. If I said Taipei, China, which will mean Taipei belongs to China. But
: I didn't said that. What I said is we're Chinese Taipei. Which means we're from
: the Republic of China.
: 写到这里就掰不下去,好难解释,帮帮我这位中华台北人,我不想再台独了。
直接一个south korea跟north korea就能理解的东西
作者: johnny (johnny)   2018-11-28 20:25:00
作者: wattswatts (挖哩)   2018-11-28 20:28:00
作者: goodday123 (day)   2018-11-28 20:52:00
他们是分南北韩 清楚的分界我们又不是分 east west ChineseChinese taipei就是中国台北
作者: centra (ukyo)   2018-11-28 21:04:00
南北韩都是国家 都在联合国 我们没有我们应该是被罢凌70年了
作者: deathwomen (贱盘小妹)   2018-11-28 21:08:00
作者: wattswatts (挖哩)   2018-11-28 21:15:00中华民国赶快正名中华人民共和国,不要在盗用旧中国国号,这样知道为什么台湾人去联合国参观要拿台胞证了吗?
作者: shelley0522   2018-11-29 00:18:00
如果Chinese Taipei可以进联合国我接受叫中国台北人

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