tai33ru (磁砖大)
2015-02-03 22:04:11感谢上苍终于放寒假了(跪
- various types of armored steel (with different brittleness for example) are
not represented in WoT (SS: they used to be, very long time ago – some
vehicles had different steel quality coefficients, this was removed because
it was confusing to players)
- according to Storm, Wargaming implements armor as such: if there is an
official document, they use official numbers. If there is no official armor
thickness document, they decide the armor thicknesses themselves
- E-25 dimensions are unhistorical? “We made it according to sources we had
at that time.” (SS: the argument was that the player thinks E-25 in the game
is smaller than in real life, Storm disagress – funny about those sources
available though, Panzer Tracts have been along for a long time)
Panzer Tracts纪录那些数据很久了。)
(译:感谢Willie大补充,WG当初是以Special Panzer Variants的数据做的)
It’s true, E-25 in the game is too small. Storm confirmed the model length,
width and height in his answers. Here’s how they compare to real values from
Panzer Tracts 20-1 by Hilary Doyle.
们来看看H. Doyle的Panzer Tracts里的数据并比较之:
Ingame width according to Storm: 2,78 meters
Real width according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 3,41 meters
Ingame height according to Storm: 1,75 meters
Real height according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 2,03 meters
Ingame hull length according to Storm: 4,5 meters
Real hull length according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 5,66 meters
游戏中数据 书中数据
车宽 2.78m 3.41m
车高 1.75m 2.03m
车长 4.50m 5.66m
I smell a nerf. Anyway, back to Storm.
- the fact that Chasseur de Chars was used as tier 8 premium medium tank doesn
’t mean that WG found a candidate for tier 8 medium tank
就算AMX CDC作为阶金中坦也不代表WG找到了正规线中的八阶中坦。
- Storm admits that the frontak plate angles on the SD model of IS-3 are
wrong, it will be fixed in HD (SS: I don’t have the exact numbers,
optically, it looks like a slight nerf, but I can’t really tell – fun fact,
according to Yuri Pasholok even the HD model is somewhat wrong, it has some
unhistorical elements, like that AA machinegun)
- Storm states that the WT E-100 replacement was not discussed yet properly
WT E-100的替换方案还未经过充分讨论。
- FV215b switch to Chieftain is still planned
FV 215b更换酋长原型的计画还存在。
- if you vote in various WG polls (those that get sent by e-mail) without
recieving your personal invitation by e-mail, your vote will not count
- there is a reason why the polls aren’t given to everybody – according to
Storm, you need a defined number of answers to get the best results, plus WG
doesn’t have the capacities to read answers from EVERYBODY