[情报] 7/18 Q&A

楼主: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-07-20 00:04:37
- T34 (US premium tank) will be “reworked”, when it gets turned to HD
T34 在 HD 化的时候会“重制”
- position on recoilless guns will most likely not change
- Chinese tanks will not be changed (SS: the player was suggesting that the
British are getting changes because they are unpopular)
- height of ingame T-54 is correct
T-54 车高没做错
- +/-1MM will not be introduced, “it would not be interesting to play”

- 50 percent of players play with improved render, 50 percent use the
original old render
- the change of crew role (SS: radioman to driver for example) will come soon
- the “70 people develop WoT” number is without testers, with testers it’s
cca 100
- Storm explains the “T-54 Model 1945〃 premium Soviet tier 8 medium tank: “
The decision has already been made and the models are already being created.
We didn’t want to have a large number of T-44′s – if we are to make many
clones anyway, T-54 fits the role more as the most mass-produced tank in
Storm 解释为啥选这台作为新苏联八阶金车:“这是早就决定的而且已建模。我们不希望
- choosing your tanks in team battles depending on the map? “This year I hope

- in the past, developers mentioned they want to add extra features for
premium account to compensate for some premium features lost, such as the
platoons. In the end this did not happened, because “we didn’t figure out
nothing suitable”
- the combat UI is still using ActionScript 2 version
接口仍是用 ActionScript 2 版本
- Not much time left until AFK’ers, standing on the base and not moving will
get no XP from battle
- Q: “How come it often happens that I get the same map three times in a row
out of 5 battles?” A: “We can’t do anything about it.”
- Ruinberg on fire had its chance to drop reduced, but other maps’ chances
to drop will not be changed for now
会降低 Ruinberg on fire 出现的机率;其他的不会动
- maps with only one mode (only random battle, without encounter and assault
versions) will also not have their chances to drop changed
- IS-6 to be reworked? “If there are any issues with the model, we will fix
them when the model is reworked to HD”
会重制 IS-6 吗?“如果模型有问题会在HD化时修正。”
- it’s not yet known whether the HESH mechanism will be reworked, but it’s
不确定会不会重制 HESH 的作用机制
- equipment and perks/skills are scheduled for rework in the future
- larger ignore/friend list? “Wait for 2.0〃
- the game taking too much CPU/GPU resources in hangar? “I can’t say
anything about that”
车库耗太多 CPU/GPU 资源?“我不好说。”
- developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the
viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks
正考虑降低除了轻坦之外所有车的视距 (译者:WTF?)
- regarding the company mode: “We have to completely rework the company
searching mechanism, based on the one used in team battles”
- the 5 second friends list timeout (SS: not sure what this concerns) is a “
DDOS protection”

- Q: “I suggest reworking the camo like this – if a tank was spotted and it
did not move anywhere, it will remain spotted.” A: “That’s roughly what we
are going to do”

- KV-1S will split into KV-1S (tier 5) and KV-85 (tier 6)
KV-1S 会拆成五阶 KV-1S 和六阶 KV-85
- the tier 6 KV-85 will keep the 122mm D-25 gun (SS: or D-2-5, identical gun,
different breech – anyway the KV-85 has really bad depression, -2 or so)
六阶的 KV-85 会保有 122mm D-25 砲
(SS:或是 D-2-5;而 KV-85 的俯角会很差,-2 度吧)
- Storm on what will appear in 9.3: “RU251, LTTB, T-54 Light, reworked
Chaffee, T37, Walker Bulldog, T49, new KV-1S, KV-85”
9.3 会出现的?Storm:“ (德八阶LT、苏七八阶LT、美霞飞LT线、 KV-1S拆出来的两台)

- XP for tanking? “When it’s done it’s done"
- 150mm E-100 HE shells will not be buffed
- 37mm Sh-37 gold shells will not be buffed
- Sturmtiger was basically scrapped for now, because it’s not possible to
balance it in the game

- mid-tier artillery will not be buffed
- GWE buff? “If it stands out statistically”
那 GWE 呢?“如果统计数据有需要。”
- no plans to ban noobmeter
- composite armor, active/reactive armor, smoothbores and guided missiles
will not appear in the game
复合装甲、反应装甲、滑膛砲和导弹都不会出现 (译者:那我要布雷弹,谢谢)
- FV215b will be switched for Chieftain because “Chieftain was a real
existing tank, that’s the main reason.”
Chieftain 换 FV215b,主要是因为 Chieftain 是真实存在的车
- Challenger (MBT) prototype is too modern for WoT, same goes for T-64
T-64 和挑战者原型车都太先进了
- it’s possible that Chinese tier 10 heavy will be reworked, “but no
- quick (one button) transfer of equipment from tank to tank? “Maybe, but it
has low priority”
- Storm does openly state the FV215b (120) is made up (Storm: “SerB’s
construction bureau”)
Storm 公开表示 FV215b (120) 是台虚构车 (Storm:“SerB制造局荣誉出品。”)
- no further AMX50B buff is planned for now
目前没把算BUFF AMX50B
- there are no plans to completely rework the interface
- no current plans to rework player statistics
- 1휱 and 3휳 “arena” mode will not come (Storm: “it has practically
zero audience”)
- official WG rating in the battle will not be displayed (“everyone will use
XVM anyway”)
不会显示官方的胜率预测 (“反正大家爱用XVM嘛”)
作者: batterykugua (battery)   2014-07-20 00:16:00
Chaffee和MT25都有存经验 但是AFK豹不想再多碰啦
作者: ShadowPoetry (影诗人)   2014-07-20 00:38:00
作者: googleandapp (阿拉威)   2014-07-20 02:03:00

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