0.9.2 Supertest patchnotes
Posted on July 1, 2014 by Silentstalker — 317 Comments ↓
This list of changes is almost certainly not complete, so take it with a grain of salt.
French tank changes
- AMX50B: gun aim time buffed from 3s to 2,5s
German tank changes
Aufklärungspanzer Panther
- reload time of 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 for turret VK 28.01 Ausf. C buffed
from 4s to 3,4s
装在VK 28.01 Ausf. C砲塔上的7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725之装填时间从4s缩短为3.4s
- aim time for 9 cm Bordkanone buffed from 2,9 s to 2,7 s
- reload time for the same gun buffed from 7,5 s to 7,2 s
9 cm Bordkanone的瞄准时间从2.9s缩短为2.7s, 装填时间从7.5s缩短为7.2s
Leopard 1
- 105mm gun reload time buffed from 9 s to 8,7 s
Leopard Prototype A
- reload time for the 105mm gun in stock turret buffed from 14 s to 13 s
- aim time for 9cm Bordkanone in stock turret buffed from 2,9 s to 2,5 s
- reload time for the 105mm gun in elite turret buffed from 12 s to 11,1 s
装在白板砲塔上的9cm Bordkanone之瞄准时间从2.9s缩短为2.5s
RhB Waffentrager
- 128mm gun reload time nerfed from 10,9 secs to 11,15 secs
Stug Ausf.G
- carrying capacity of both tracks increased by cca 3 tons
- vehicle became 3,14 tons heavier (SS: this is unclear)
WT E-100
- gun accuracy spread from moving and turning the hull nerfed by 25 percent
- 128mm gun lost 1 shell in the autoloader, reload time of the 128mm autoloader buffed from 60 s to 52 s
128mm弹数从6发减为5发, 装填时间从60s缩短为52s
- reload time for 128mm L/61 nerfed from 10,9 s to 11,6 s
- reload time for 128mm L/55 nerfed from 10 s to 10,6 s
- reload time for 150mm L/29,5 nerfed from 16 s to 17 s
- reload time for 150mm L/38 nerfed from 16 s to 17 s
128mm L/61的装填时间从10.9s延长至11.6s
128mm L/55的装填时间从10s延长至10.6s
150mm L/29.5和150mm L/38的装填时间均从16s延长至17s
Japanese tank changes
- repair costs of Type 97 Te-Ke reduced by 5 percent
Type 97 Te-Ke修理费减低5%
British tank changes
- 183mm HESH penetration (FV215b 183) nerfed from 275mm to 230mm
- FV4202 105mm gun reload time buffed from 9,3 s to 8,6 s
FV215b 183的金弹(HESH)穿深从275mm降低至230mm
American tank changes
- M46 Patton aim spread from moving and turning the hull reduced (buffed)
by 7 percent for stock suspension, 8 percent for elite one
- 105mm T5E1M2 accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,4
- 105mm T5E1M2 gun spread from turning the turret reduced (buffed)
by 14 percent for stock turret, 17 percent for elite turret
105mm T5E1M2的准确度从0.42增加为0.4
装在白板砲塔上的105mm T5E1M2之砲塔移动扩圈惩罚减低14%,第二砲塔则为17%
Soviet tank changes
- Object 263′s 130mm S-70A reload time buffed from 11s to 10,7s
- SU-100M1: LB-1S gun reload time buffed from 6,9s to 5,9s
- SU-101: D-54S gun reload time buffed from 7,1s to 6,7s, accuracy buffed
from 0,36 to 0,35
- SU-122-54: D-54S reload time buffed from 6,8s to 6,5s, accuracy buffed
from 0,36 to 0,35
- SU-122-54: 122mm M62-S2 reload time buffed from 10s to 9,2s, accuracy
buffed from 0,36 to 0,35
- T-44 – LB-1 reload time for turret T-44-100 buffed from 8,6s to 8,1s
Object 263: 装填时间从11s缩短为10.7s
SU-100M1: LB-1S的装填时间从6.9s缩段为5.9s
SU-101: D-54S的装填时间从7.1s缩短为6.7s, 准确度从0.36增加为0.35
SU-122-54: D-54S的装填时间从6.8s缩短为6.5s, 准确度从0.36增加为0.35
SU-122-54: 122mm M62-S2的装填时间从10s缩短为9.2s, 准确度从0.36增加为0.35
T-44: 装在T-44-100砲塔上的LB-1之装填时间从8.6s缩短为8.1s
Other changes
- added “Stronkhold” clan mode
- reworked following maps: Sacred Valley, Cliff, Sand River, Hidden Village,
Erlenberg, El-Halluf, Airport, Komarin
- added new reworked Prokhorovka map
- reworked the snowstorm effect on Kharkov map
- fixed the bug on Pearl River map where a tank is launched into the sky by
interacting with some objects
- fixed the bug where windows on Abbey and Kharkov map buildings flicker
- reworked the collision models of some broken windows on Kharkov map,
now they can be shot through
- fixed the collision model of bridge arcs on the Windstorm map
- fixed the red/green line in artillery mode, now it will be displayed as
red if the line of fire is crossed by another tank
- fixed the bug where the autoaim got stuck in replays
- fixed the bug where the tanks on sloped surfaces “twitched”
- added 6 new medals for Team Battles
- reworked the HD tank display, now, only player’s tank is displayed in HD
(SS: Storm states that this was actually wrongly written in patchnotes – HD
model tanks other than your own will still use HD textures, but with reduced
(halved) resolution)
- added balance corrections for many tanks
重新制作Sacred Valley,Cliff,Sand River,Hidden Village,
修正Pearl River里坦克的宇宙开发BUG
修正火炮瞄准线, 有车辆挡住砲弹飞行路线时瞄准线将从绿色变为红色
Team Battle增加6项奖章