[情报] 5/11 Q&A

楼主: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-05-12 16:10:13
- when World of Tanks were created, BigWorld was the only way to go, it was
the only engine available with suitable networking part
WoT 创建之初,BigWorld 引擎是唯一选择,只有它的网络功能够强。
- the Flash in World of Tanks is used in the form of something called “
Scaleform” (SS: sorry no idea what that means)
WoT 使用的 Flash 是 Scaleform 模式。
- IS-7 and E-50 won’t be buffed soon
IS-7 和 E-50 最近不会 buff
- RU251 and new US light tanks? “Medium KTTS” (SS: as in “when it’s done
it’s done, it has medium priority” – that means anything between 3 and 6
months from now I’d say)
RU251 和新美国轻坦?“不远的未来”(SS: 我认为是三至六个月)
- in World of Tanks, shadows reduce FPS by a lot, because there are some
other features connected to shadow settings, for example HBAO (SS: no idea
what that means either)
WoT 里阴影效果严重影响 FPS,因为阴影的设定还关系到一些其他的功能,像是 HBAO(
- in 9.1 it will be the second time shooting sounds will get reworked
9.1 版的砲声重制已经是砲声的第二次重制了
- Kharkov map is “cool”
Kharkov 地图很酷(译者:雨生龙之介表示:…)
- Q: “How come Wargaming promised multiturret mechanism and War Thunder now
implemented it and WG hasn’t?” A: “We’ll have to promise more pointless
and useless stuff so War Thunder gets that implemented.”
Q:“WG 早就答应要出多砲塔功能;现在隔壁 WT 都做出来了,你们混什么吃的?”
A:“我们会持续承诺更多不重要或无意义的功能让 WT 抢着实装。”
- Storm supports the solution to remove KV-1S top 122mm gun
Storm 支持把 KV-1S 的长122 拔掉。(译者:SerB帝表示…不过听说他最近一直在WoWs那
- currently, there is some bugged graphic setting, that messes up the dynamic
suspension, developers will look into it
- penetration mechanism of spaced armor and commander’s copula won’t be
reworked. A player suggested that a commander’s copula hit (and penetration)
would work like critting a gun: destroyed module (in this case, dead
commander), but no damage done to the tank. Storm answered that such a
mechanism would only increase the amount of misunderstandings by players as
to why there was a hit for 0 damage (“I penetrated the copula, why didn’t I
damage him?”)
损血,Storm 表示这样会让更多玩家混乱(“我明明击穿它了,未啥不损血?”)
作者: akalashnikov (我爱雨天!)   2014-05-12 18:25:00
KV-4 头上那个小机砲搞不好可以拿来射轻坦 XD

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