Crucially, Microsoft says that Windows 10X can run all your usual
programs, including Win32 programs. This is a big deal, as it
means Windows 10X won't be gimped from the start via a lack of
apps. Users will be able to download and use Win32 programs from
the Microsoft Store, or from third-party storefronts like Adobe
where applicable.
在 Windows Central 的报导上,微软说 Windows 10X 可以跑 Win32 应用
程式,所以 Windows 10X 不会为了缺少 apps 所苦。
使用者可以透过 Microsoft Store 下载使用 Win32 应用程式,或者像是
Adobe 一样的第三方来下载使用。
Win32 support on Windows 10X is somewhat different from how Win32
programs operate on regular Windows 10 however. Microsoft says
that since Windows 10X is a modern OS, many of the legacy
components required for Win32 apps to run have been decoupled from
the core of the OS. But, thanks to Windows Core OS being a modular
OS, users that need to run Win32 programs can do so as the OS will
spin up the components required to run Win32 programs when
required. When the user isn't running a Win32 program, those
components are put back to sleep so that they don't affect OS
不过 Windows 10X 的 Win32 跟一般的 Windows 不同,因为 10X 是现代OS
很多 Win32 需要的传统组件已经与OS核心分离了。
但得益于 WCOS 是模组化OS,使用者要使用 Win32 程式的时候,组件将会被
End users shouldn't notice anything different in running their
Win32 programs on Windows 10X, but it is a significant change to
the OS. It also makes Win32 applications more secure by sandboxing
and containerizing them so that they can't reach out and affect or
damage other parts of the system. It's a huge step forward in
security for Windows as a whole, and it's coming to Windows 10X
终端使用者不会注意到差异,但对于OS来说是非常大的改变,甚至让 Win32
这对 Windows 整体上来说是安全的一大进步,这项功能将先在 10X 提供。
Windows 10X is built on top of Windows Core OS, which Microsoft
insists is not a new OS and sits under the Windows 10 umbrella.
What's unique about Windows Core OS is that it's a modular
platform that can adapt and change on the fly. Because of this,
Windows 10X is based on the same universal OS that HoloLens 2,
Surface Hub 2X, and even the Xbox is based on, with little changes
to the core to make the OS run across these devices. The
significant differences across these different editions of Windows
Core OS come in the form of varying shell UX.
不过虽然 10X 是基于 WCOS,但微软说这不是新的OS,并且 10X 是属于
Win10 之中的,WCOS 特殊点就是他是模组化系统,可以视需要调整。
像是 HoloLens 2 跟 Surface Hub 2X 就不一样