scoMico (測試)
2016-12-02 23:34:54文章来源:https://goo.gl/5eBs0t
Early on in our evaluation of Artillery for Balance 2.0 we made the hard
decision to remove the class in its current form. The ability to deal
indirect damage to an opponent who can neither see or retaliate was a
mechanic that just didn’t work well with the rest of Armored Warfare. Even
with our successful efforts to reduce the impact Artillery had on the
battlefield, it never completely took away the frustration players had with
it. Not only was it difficult to balance around, but it had real impacts on
our ability to create maps as well. Each map we made, whether in PvP or PvE,
had to take into account Arty firing lines. We couldn’t have complex cover
or tall mountains and buildings because Artillery wasn’t able to shoot over
them. With only a very small percentage of our active playerbase playing
Artillery, this made it even harder to justify keeping the class.
Because of these factors, we had a choice; remove Artillery altogether,
restrict the class to just PvE or offer the vehicles in a reimagined class
form. We decided to go with the third option and have condensed both
artillery lines into a single Self Propelled Gun line which offers high
damage at the cost of longer aim times and slightly higher reloads. SPG
vehicles now have drastically increased mobility to match their real-world
capabilities and their Artillery-view has been replaced with a standard zoom
reticle. They do retain access to smoke shells, but the illumination support
shells have been removed for now. Because of how different the class now
plays, we aren’t committing 100% to it sticking around, but we’d like to
get player opinions on the changes during the Update 0.19 PTS cycle before
deciding whether to keep it or remove the class with the official release of
Balance 2.0.
Source: Official Portal
早前为了平衡2.0在我们对火炮所作的评估之下, 我们作出了移除这类车种此一艰困的决定
其对敌手制造间接伤害致使其看不到东西或无法反击的能力, 这样的机制就是跟游戏格格不入
并且火炮不单难以平衡, 其同时对开发地图时产生了影响
更甚之, 在活跃玩家中仅有极小比例的人有在玩火炮, 这让我们更难保留这此一车种
综合上述因素, 我们只有如下选项; 整个拔掉火炮, 限制火炮只能玩PVE,
由于跟现在的玩法差异极大, 我们并不保证一定会这么干
相对来说, 在决定平衡2.0时到底是否还要留着火炮之前,
我们希望可以在 0.19公开测试得知玩家对于这项变动的意见