30+ Movie Actors needed
- Indian
- Caucasians
background: 2nd world war
Filming date: Unknown, Collecting all forigner who is interested
Locations: Tainan,Kaohsiung,PingTung
Needs: 18-40age Caucasians or Indians
(to play prisoner of war) Skinny is prefered
$$: 4 hours for 3000$ over time 750/per hour
accommodation will NOT be paid. Strong recommended for people who lives
in Southern Taiwan。
Info needed:
1:Selfie & half Body and Full body picture
2:Name/Height/Weight/Shoe size/Tattoos?/Special talent? 3: a short self
introduction video. (30seconds)
Free acting class for participators before
supporting role can be yours!!
LINEID: rmp790605
cell: 0908926252