居然有人表示看不懂, 我也懒的找官方翻译就稍微当作练习
老实说啦, 身为美国公司做的游戏, 分享第一手资料是英文到底是哪里有问题?
老实说啦, 如果魔兽是日本游戏, 发日文根本不会有人敢抱怨吧
C-CHAT 一堆纯日文情报, 大家都吃这这善液吃的这么开心, 怎么WOW版发英文就是
过分了呢 (笑)
嘛, 回归正题, 我本来也就不是专业翻译, 有犯错还见谅
: "Beware, beware the Daughter of the Sea."
小心, 小心海的女儿
: "Beware," I heard him cry.
小心, 我听见他呐喊
: His words carried upon the ocean breeze,
: As he sank beneath the tide.
当他沉入海潮时, 他的话语被大海的气息带起
: Those blood-soaked shores of Kalimdor,
: Where sailors fought and died.
卡林多那些浸血的海岸, 水手奋战并死亡的地方
: The admiral fell at Theramore,
: because she left his side.
上将在提拉摩殒落, 因为她离开了他
: Why this? Why this oh Daughter of the Sea?
为什么这样? 为什么是这样啊, 海的女儿?
: Why this? Did you forget your seaside days?
为什么这样? 妳已经忘记了妳在大海的日子吗?
: Always the pride of our nation's eyes,
: How could she go astray?
分明是我们国家眼里的骄傲, 她怎么能如此误入歧途?
: When she did flee across the ocean deep,
: the admiral followed west.
当她逃过深海, 上将跟着往西方前行
: What else but sail to save a daughter's life,
: and pray she still drew breath?
除了一心只想拯救女儿的性命并祈祷她仍残喘, 还有它想吗
: But there he found upon those distant shores,
: Enemies 'on the rise!
: But when he faced those savage foes
: His daughter stood aside.
: Buried deep beneath the waves,
: Betrayed by family.
: To his nation, with his last breath, cried,
: "Beware the Daughter of the Sea."
向着他的祖国, 用他最后一口气, 呐喊道,
追加最后的珍娜独唱, 因为是自己听的, 有错麻烦跟我说:
I heard, I heard, cross amond the sea, the old voice warning me
beware, beware, the daughter of the sea
beware, beware... of me
我听见了, 我听见了, 在海上传来, 年老的声音警告我
小心, 小心, 海的女而
小心, 小心... 我