July 8
生物及NPCs Creatures and NPCs
塔南森林 Tanaan Jungle
‧Captain Ironbeard now has a guaranteed chance to drop Equipment Blueprint: G
hostly Spyglass.
‧Varyx the Damned now returns to his spawn location instead of despawning if
he drops out of combat. Additionally, only 1 beam needs to be blocked to resta
rt the encounter.
任务 Quests
要塞任务 Garrison Quests
‧[Requires a realm restart] Fixed an issue where completing daily assault obj
ectives in Tanaan Jungle was incorrectly also granting completion credit for d
aily assault objectives in the Garrison.
阿拉卡山 Spires of Arak
Call of the Raven Mother: Fixed an issue where interacting with items during t
he ritual was causing player pets to use their abilities.
团队及地城 Raids and Dungeons
地狱火堡垒 Hellfire Citadel
女暴君维哈里 Tyrant Velhari
‧Fixed a timing issue that could cause Tyrant Velhari to use the incorrect fi
nishing move just as a transition into the next stage happened.
祖霍拉克 Xhul'horac
‧Adjusted scaling to reduce the amount of health by roughly 10% on Xhul'horac
, Omnus, Unstable Voidfiend, and Vanguard Akkelion for a 10-player raid on Nor
mal and Heroic difficulty. Health should remain the same as before for raids w
ith 30 players.
‧Mannoroth no longer transforms back into a skeleton after being defeated.
‧Fixed an issue that could cause Gazing Shadows to sometimes not reduce movem
ent speed.
玩家对玩家 PvP
‧Fixed a number of issues affecting Ashran events that could cause characters
to drop out of stealth effects.
物品 Items
‧Increased stat bonuses for critical strike, Versatility, Stamina, and Spirit
on all Wild Gladiator (Warlords Season 2) trinkets by 50%.
‧Clicking “Join Raid” in the Adventure Guide should now open the Premade Gr
oups menu instead of Raid Finder.
职业 Class
武僧 Monk
套装效果 Armor Sets
‧Yesterday's hotfix on July 7 for Tier-18 4-piece set bonus for Mistweaver Mo
nks should now be healing for the correct amount.
圣骑士 Paladin
天赋 Talents
‧Yesterday’s hotfix on July 7 that reduced the healing of Execution Sentence
by 25% in PvP combat now only applies to Holy Paladins. It has been returned
to its previous effectiveness for Retribution and Protection Paladins.
kattte (诚实面对自己吧!)
2015-07-09 21:31:00战舰的设计图好像还是没改 你可以重复买战舰的图 然后重复一直学战舰的图
chx64 (雪人)
2015-07-09 21:34:00是说 那个鬼魅望远镜用在幽灵船员 有人开过那个任务了吗?
作者: hisashiaska 2015-07-09 21:48:00
我以为我运气变好 原来改必掉...
mayzn (mayzn)
2015-07-09 21:56:00任务一共8个,你拿到图样学习之后就有机率开启
playerlin (PlayerLin)
2015-07-09 22:21:00看了 n 次‘被谴者’瓦瑞克斯 脱战后消失的悲剧...
aabbabcd (Infinity )
2015-07-09 22:50:00还不改装备的资源花费...都快没资源了.
作者: windcasper ( ) 2015-07-09 22:52:00
拿几个地精船员去跑船 就会有源源不绝的装备产出了
orz65535 (′‧ω‧‵)
2015-07-10 00:16:00难怪巨魔箱可以卖破万是这样
作者: antiwow (新庄吴彦祖) 2015-07-10 02:33:00
我今天出了幽灵船员稀有爆箱任务 奖励是2000G
科科 塔南每日进攻我都跟要塞一起解不晓得几天了~~~