burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2019-08-17 21:18:43Has your mood recently brightened, Virgo, perhaps for some reason you don't
even understand? As you enter this week, you should feel especially uplifted
and hopeful. You should also notice that others are gravitating to you
because of the powerful positivity you exude. This means that your benevolent
power is gaining steam. And when a window of opportunity opens for you later
in the week, you will not only have the right attitude to take it on, you
will also have the help you need to go the distance. Goodness attracts
goodness. Love attracts love. A minor work or technical problem could come up
around the middle of the week. Although this may be a big annoyance, it
shouldn't be all that serious. Deal with it accordingly. Don't let this kind
of small thing get to you and ruin your day. You have more important things
to put your energy into. An effort you made to be extra helpful or especially
nice to someone a while back could come back to reward you this week.
Although you did this out of the goodness of your heart and you had no
expectation of any kind of return, it will be obvious that this is the
universe repaying you for your kindness.