Re: [中英] 一篇关于兰屿的介绍文的几个段落

楼主: tengharold (RoadMan_A)   2014-09-24 02:05:36
※ 引述《estceque (台南何守正)》之铭言:
: 兰屿是目前全台唯一一个没有便利商店和连锁企业的地方;彩券虽在台湾本岛风靡多年,
: 随处可见,但兰屿的第一家彩券行直到今年(2014)年初才开幕。离岛的本质,使得兰屿
: 保有她独特的美,但同时也限制住兰屿人的工作选择。
: Orchid Island becomes the only region without convenient stores and chained
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^
: companies in Taiwan. While lottery stores have been ubiquitous around Taiwan
^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: Island for several years, selling lottery tickets just kicked off this year
^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 这半句请重写
: in Orchid Island. The specific outlying-island characteristic naturally keeps
on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
: the scenery of Orchid Island attractive, but it also restricts the job
^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
: opportunities which natives can seize.
become = "转变成",原句是说"是",没有"变成"
没有 A 也没有 B = without A _or_ B. without A and B = 没有[A+B],那有没有A呢?
chained companies 是什么东西? franchises
in Taiwan? 放在这里 in Taiwan 修饰便利商店和连锁企业 (= in Taiwan 的便利商店)
原句就变成诡异的 "兰屿上没有位于台湾的便利商店"
该放在 region 后面, ... only region in Taiwan without... = 台湾境内唯一没有...
lottery stores? 原句是彩劵,不是彩劵行。"总统府前很多机车" 跟 "总统府前很多
机车行" 不一样吧
Taiwan Island 画蛇添足
风靡多年 只有 several years? 原PO一定没听过爱国奖劵 (笑)
restrict = (依法)限制 = 本来有的或可以的不给你/不允许你,不合本句意义
这里可以用较广义的 limit
job opportunities 没有指定性,the 去掉
seize 有点怪
: 多数兰屿人在年轻时,远赴台湾本岛工作,而留在家乡的人,除了少数进公家机关工作,
: 或以耕种作物、渔猎地瓜、芋头和捕鱼自给自足之外,所仰赖的就是观光。“时代不同了
: ,不可能叫我们回去吃地瓜、芋头,要跟着时代走。”红头社区发展协会理事长谢明辉认
: 为,只要在尊重当地人的前提下,兰屿人也愿意接受对他们有帮助的事。 
: Most natives distantly depart for Taiwan Island searching for jobs. Those who
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^
: stays in Orchid Island depends heavily on sightseeing except for being civil
^ on ^ tourism, except for the few civil
: servants in bureaucratic organizations and living independently by ploughing
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ those living... ^^^^^^^^^
: taro and fishing. “ It’s impossible for us to return back and eat sweet
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^
: potatoes and taro. Time flies and we must follow the trend,” , says Manager
^^^^^^^^^ said ^^...
: of Association of HongTou Community development. He thinks natives will be
: willing to make any change under the condition of courteous respect.
^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^... ...^^^
distantly depart? leave for faraway Taiwan...
Those who = they, 主词是复数,所以 stays -> stay, depends -> depend
sightseeing = 到某处看景点,这里应用 tourism
in bureaucratic organizations 多余
ploughing taro = 犁(过)芋头,这里该用 planting (种植)
return back 太笼统 (回去哪里?)。可用 go back in time
eat sweet potatoes and taro 这段不应直译。他的意思是 "像过去一样仅靠芋头跟地瓜"
从 Manager 到 Development 他的名字不见了,然后头衔也翻的不好
兰屿人愿意接受 any change 吗? 并没有
under the condition of corteous respect 太直译了
: 今年初,美国《纽约时报》精选2014年的全球52个必访地点,台湾名列其中之一,其中,
: 兰屿获评为世界级潜水天堂。许多兰屿人也认定观光是兰屿未来的发展趋势。观光已悄悄
: 进驻兰屿,不过兰屿人并非拒观光于门外,也并非无条件敞开门户欢迎,兰屿人还在衡量
: 与观光的关系。兰屿发展走向下一步前,兰屿人点出许多现存问题得先解决,才能在发展
: 同时,降低岛上面临的冲击。
: In the beginning of 2014, New York Times elected 52 visiting-worthy spots
: around the world, as Taiwan being named as one of which. Along the article,
: Orchid Island is specifically deemed as worldwide diving heaven and many
: natives have faith in sightseeing which will bring them prosperous future. As
: sightseeing steadily and quietly developing, however, natives don’t lean on
: any side. They don’t show their hatred toward sightseeing but also don’t
: open the sightseeing door without limitation. People in Orchid Island are
: still evening the balance. Before moving to another stage, natives state that
: a ton of problems must be solved in advance. With problems solved, Orchid
: Island can simultaneously look after sightseeing and environmental
: preservation.
: 请各位板友们不吝指教
作者: estceque (台南何守正)   2014-09-24 16:56:00
作者: flamelight (張火光)   2014-09-24 17:35:00
啊不就好棒棒 很累的话可以不必改 真是劳烦你了呢
作者: chingfen (疾风劲草)   2014-09-24 17:46:00
楼主: tengharold (RoadMan_A)   2014-09-25 00:01:00
作者: samuraiboy (samuraiboy)   2014-09-25 00:27:00

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