[情报] Nadal退出温网跟东奥

楼主: Crissangel (JasonWang)   2021-06-17 19:36:03
Hi all, not something I like to write but wanted to inform you guys that I have
decided not to participate at this year’s Championships at Wimbledon and the O
lympic Games in Tokyo.
It’s never an easy decision to take but after listening to my body and discuss
it with my team I understand that it is the right decision with the goal to prol
ong my career and continue to do what makes me happy, that is to compete at the
highest level and keep fighting for those professional and personal goals at he
maximum level of competition.
The fact that there has only been two weeks between Roland Garros and Wimbledon
this year, didn’t make it easier on my body to recuperate after the always dema
nding clay court season. They have been two months of great effort and the decis
ion I take is focused looking at the mid and long term.
Sport prevention of any kind of excess in my body is a very important factor at
this stage of my career in order to try to keep fighting for the highest level o
f competition and titles.
I want to send a special message to my fans around the world, to those in the Un
ited Kingdom and Japan in particular. The Olympic Games have always meant a lot
in my career and they were always a priority as a Sports person and fan, I found
the spirit that every sports person in the world wants to live at least once in
their career. I personally had the chance to live 3 of them and even had the ho
nor to be the flag bearer for my country.“
作者: plokmijnuhby (DD)   2021-06-17 19:51:00
支持 35岁了
作者: benvsnatalie   2021-06-17 20:12:00
作者: ericchen0725 (林)   2021-06-17 20:13:00
有点难过 是不是被囧打到有点失去信心
作者: tomlin121283 (tomlin)   2021-06-17 20:37:00
作者: nickstar1127 (追音)   2021-06-17 20:38:00
作者: cruisewu2003 (小克)   2021-06-17 20:42:00
作者: duanhandsome (端)   2021-06-17 21:38:00
失去信心的是刚开始看球吗= = 他可是纳豆
作者: alex2426chen   2021-06-17 22:57:00
以后舍温网的机会很高 毕竟不是25而是35了
作者: ABuJiuHaoBun (新资料夹(2))   2021-06-18 12:50:00
费跟纳没办法像囧那么全能 草地/红土 过了颠峰就要舍不擅长的

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