[新闻] 彭帅因违反反腐败被禁赛及罚款

楼主: coolfish1103 (Fish)   2018-08-09 07:42:32
TIU: https://goo.gl/Q6VMhm
Peng Shuai disciplined for breach of Tennis Anti-Corruption Program
Player receives a six months ban, with three months suspended, and $10,000
fine with $5,000 suspended
Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai has been disciplined for breaching the sport
’s anti-corruption code by attempting to change her doubles partner after
Peng Shuai was found to have used coercion and offered the possibility of
financial reward in return for her main draw partner agreeing to withdraw
from the ladies doubles event at Wimbledon 2017.
Although the offer was refused and Peng Shuai did not subsequently compete at
The Championships, the offer constituted a breach of Section D.1.d of the
Tennis Anti-Corruption Program (TACP) which states that: “No Covered Person
shall, directly or indirectly, contrive or attempt to contrive the outcome or
any other aspect of any Event.”
Independent Anti-Corruption Hearing Officer (AHO) Prof Richard H. McLaren
considered the case at a Hearing held in London on 16 July 2018, following an
investigation by the TIU.
Today’s decision from Prof McLaren imposes a six months ban, with three
months suspended, and $10,000 fine, with $5,000 suspended, on condition that
no further breaches of the TACP are committed.
The suspension applies with immediate effect and means that the player cannot
compete in or attend any event organised, sanctioned or recognised by the
governing bodies of the sport.
Assuming no further breaches of the TACP are committed, Peng Shuai will be
eligible to play again on 8 November 2018.
The 32-year old is currently ranked 20 in doubles and 80 in singles. She was
the number one ranked doubles player in February 2014 and has a career-best
singles ranking of 14 achieved in August 2011.
In a companion ruling Prof McLaren imposed a three months period of
suspension of credentials on the player’s former French coach, Bertrand
TIU: https://goo.gl/XiJ5sT
Tennis coach Bertrand Perret disciplined for breach of Tennis Anti-Corruption
Mr Perret suspended from obtaining tournament credentials for three months,
with immediate effect
French tennis coach Bertrand Perret has been disciplined for breaching the
sport’s anti-corruption code by attempting to change the doubles partner of
his former client, Peng Shuai, after the sign-in deadline.
Mr Perret was found to have used coercion and offered the possibility of
financial reward in return for Peng Shuai’s main draw partner agreeing to
withdraw from the ladies doubles at Wimbledon 2017.
Although the offer was refused and Peng Shuai did not subsequently compete at
The Championships, the offer constituted a breach of Section D.1.d of the
Tennis Anti-Corruption Program (TACP) which states that: “No Covered Person
shall, directly or indirectly, contrive or attempt to contrive the outcome or
any other aspect of any Event.”
Independent Anti-Corruption Hearing Officer (AHO) Prof Richard H. McLaren
considered the case at a Hearing held in London on 16 July 2018, following an
investigation by the TIU.
Today’s decision from Prof McLaren imposes a three months suspension of
credentials on Mr Perret, who as a tennis coach is a Covered Person under the
TACP. With immediate effect, the ruling will prevent him for attending or
coaching at any event organised, sanctioned or recognised by the governing
bodies of the sport.
Assuming no further breaches of the TACP are committed, he will be eligible
to resume attending tournaments on 8 November 2018.
In a companion ruling Prof McLaren imposed a six months ban, with three
months suspended, and $10,000 fine, with $5,000 suspended, on Peng Shuai, who
worked with Mr Perret between November 2016 and January 2018.
2017 年温网彭帅原本是要跟 Kasatkina 搭档,结果 Kasatkina 退赛后临时找了 Van
Uytvanck 搭档。彭帅在这之前也陆续的跟许多不同的选手搭档,包括跟马伟开起纠纷最
后分道扬镳的 Hlavackova、庄加容、段莹莹、及后面一直搭到赛季末的 Mirza。最好玩
的是,最后彭帅跟 Van Uytvanck 温网也没有出赛,不知道是不是也是因为这件事情?
目前判决没有影响 Van Uytvanck 而 Van Uytvanck 也有持续出赛 (本周也在 Coupe
Rogers),所以爆出来这件事情的最大可能应该是 Van Uytvanck 这边?除了选手本身外,
至于当时温网能换谁大概也没有多少选择,除非是已经跟 Mirza 谈好?但当时 Mirza 是
与 Flipkens 做临时搭档,且目前也没看到 Mirza 被判罚 (Mirza 目前也因为生小孩在
作者: winnie102511 (winnie102511)   2018-08-09 07:53:00
作者: a9a99 (有个人来爱还是比较好)   2018-08-09 07:58:00
作者: arjbt (安迪罗迪克先生)   2018-08-09 08:05:00
那为何一开始要找这人搭档 然后又要对方退赛?
作者: steffenlee (steffen)   2018-08-09 08:08:00
反正现在伤病状态差 休息也好 不过淑丽未卜先知 哈
作者: peter0902 (Vigo)   2018-08-09 08:09:00
照中国新闻,截止时应该是跟Van Uytvanck报名,后来付钱希望她退赛被拒。无论如何,这件事看起来也不像会有另一方被罚,新搭档没被报名绑住,没理由(积极)参与
作者: steffenlee (steffen)   2018-08-09 08:13:00
倒是虾姐又要换搭档了 应该心里偷笑(彭有伤状态差)
作者: rabboo (seize eternity)   2018-08-09 09:54:00
作者: SamSmith (Stay With Me)   2018-08-09 10:13:00
作者: sandiegopadr (???)   2018-08-09 10:14:00
厉害了 你的彭
作者: vincentgotu (網壇的人)   2018-08-09 10:15:00
作者: rimes07 (期待的新生活)   2018-08-09 10:17:00
作者: wtgcarot   2018-08-09 10:19:00
作者: micbrimac (shark)   2018-08-09 10:20:00
说物以类聚的 可能忘了彭也是某人曾经的好搭档XD
作者: SamSmith (Stay With Me)   2018-08-09 10:22:00
作者: nakatsu (ayuready)   2018-08-09 10:22:00
作者: a6435966 (星光)   2018-08-09 10:24:00
彭跟那么多人搭档 照某楼言论 全都是物语类聚?物以类聚
作者: ckwckw (ckw)   2018-08-09 10:28:00
作者: Joybena (皮陀露娜)   2018-08-09 11:11:00
作者: Popaieric (Popai)   2018-08-09 11:12:00
作者: joe10227 (伏沁)   2018-08-09 11:35:00
付钱请人退赛然后换搭档... 这举动我无法理解...
作者: Joybena (皮陀露娜)   2018-08-09 11:43:00
作者: ozakiinptt   2018-08-09 11:45:00
被处罚很可以 但彭帅今年本来就打打停停 有差吗 抖 XD
作者: ashin1069 (新希望)   2018-08-09 11:51:00
作者: RuleAllWorld (生命剩下365年)   2018-08-09 12:12:00
作者: redzon (and so it is)   2018-08-09 12:13:00
作者: steffenlee (steffen)   2018-08-09 12:14:00
作者: funnily (私はこれでいいんだ)   2018-08-09 12:15:00
作者: steffenlee (steffen)   2018-08-09 12:17:00
好像是组委会凑的(刚好两人都落单)就先报名了 后来截止前MIRZA找彭 彭跟报名搭档不熟就想换搭档 于是就.
作者: cruisewu2003 (小克)   2018-08-09 12:23:00
所以这事儿是被Van Uytvanck爆出来的吗
作者: funnily (私はこれでいいんだ)   2018-08-09 12:34:00
简单说就是不想跟温组赛事方凑的人搭档 想付钱劝退失败然后自己退赛 事情弄得太难看被举报了?温"组" → 温网
作者: newsph (要学得太多 懂得太少)   2018-08-09 12:40:00
作者: funnily (私はこれでいいんだ)   2018-08-09 12:51:00
所以原文可能要修一下 Van Uytvanck不是彭帅自己找的但因为"付钱劝退"这个行为被罚真的没什么好说的
作者: godtim (kinder)   2018-08-09 13:01:00
作者: steffenlee (steffen)   2018-08-09 13:06:00
VAN单打不错 双打排名500多 最高也才106 不搭彭应该也进不了双打会内赛 难怪彭会想用金钱劝退
作者: funnily (私はこれでいいんだ)   2018-08-09 14:27:00
所以可能是组委会介绍,2人就同意先组队 但事后反悔
作者: steffenlee (steffen)   2018-08-09 15:46:00
两人一定先同意搭档的 只是又有更熟的邀约 就想换搭档用钱劝退对方应该也不爽 闹翻了也无法搭 彭就退赛了这种情况应该都是教练出面沟通(选手自己说也太尴尬)但彭一定同意这样的作法 只是不知付钱劝退是首例还是业界默认的方式(事前都协调好所以没人去投诉)
作者: goodplace (hello)   2018-08-10 03:51:00
作者: funnily (私はこれでいいんだ)   2018-08-10 07:25:00
作者: snsd56 (少时56)   2018-08-10 11:47:00
我猜双打应该大家都这样搞 只是这次价钱没谈拢wwww
作者: migi33 (干物)   2018-08-10 23:57:00

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