Novak Djokovic denies feigning injury in final and offers olive branch to
disgruntled Andy Murray
Australian Open champion calls for talks with runner-up as Scot insists he
was more disappointed with himself for being distracted by his opponent's antics
Novak Djokovic has denied feigning injury during an intense Australian Open
final on Sunday and said that he would be happy to sit down with Andy Murray,
whom he beat in four sets, to discuss the flash points of a controversial match.
Novak Djokovic 已经否则了在决赛中诈伤,他说他很愿意坐着和Andy聊聊这比赛中的
You only had to look at the photographs from Rod Laver Arena to see how angry
Murray was at the close of his 7-6, 6-7, 6-3, 6-0 defeat. He sat on his chair
and smashed a couple of rackets, and then waited out Djokovic’s acceptance
speech in such seething rage that he could not even manage a smile when
congratulated on his recent engagement.
The issue was the way Djokovic appeared to be playing rope-a-dope by
exaggerating his physical exhaustion early in the third set. “I got a bit
distracted when he, like, fell on the ground after a couple of shots,”
Murray said in the post-match interview. “If it was cramp, that’s a tough
thing to recover from and play as well as he did at the end.”
However, even if Djokovic was playing dead – and no one can prove that he
was – there is nothing in tennis’s rules about body language. And Murray
admitted: “I’ve been through situations like that before where I haven’t
let it affect me. That was what was disappointing.”
然而,即使囧口在装死,网球也没有规则限制这种行为。 莫瑞也承认:我以前遇到这种
Asked on Monday if he expected there to be any bad blood left over from this
curious situation, Djokovic replied: “From my perspective, no. How he feels
about it, it’s obviously still very fresh to talk about that. He’s definitely
disappointed about losing that match. It’s normal that some time has to pass. We’ll see.
“If there is a chance, if he’s willing to talk, I’ll talk, no problem.
I have nothing to hide. I’m not the sort of guy who is pretending, who is
trying to do something behind anyone’s back or is saying bad things about
anybody, especially about him, someone I have known for a long time. I have
respect for him.”
The past fortnight could be seen as a case of two steps forward, one step
back for Murray. The excellent impression he had built up with his assertive,
predatory tennis in Melbourne was undermined by the sense of regression on
the second Sunday, as he suffered his most obvious psychological meltdown
since before Ivan Lendl arrived on the scene as his coach in 2012.
In his defence, though, it should be said that this was a ferociously
challenging situation. Beating Djokovic on Rod Laver Arena is the
second-hardest feat in the sport, after facing Rafael Nadal on the clay of
Paris. So when the world No1 started to look as if he was cramping, Murray
probably wanted to believe it so much that he forgot to be wary. The old
saw applied: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
As he left Melbourne on Monday, though, Murray sounded increasingly upbeat
about his efforts. Asked if he would be motivated by the manner of his defeat,
he replied: “I made it clear I was distracted in the third set, that was all.
I lost in a good way. I gave everything, my best effort. You guys obviously
don’t see that; it’s only me and my team and the people I train with who
see that. But I did everything I could to win this event; I have to be proud
of myself for that and I don’t need things to motivate me.”
Murray’s record in grand slam finals now stands at two wins from eight
attempts. It looks an ugly ratio but you have to factor in the identity
of his opponents. There are no soft touches here: he has drawn Djokovic and
Roger Federer four times each, and beaten each once.
“If he won a couple more matches maybe he would have five grand slams now
and it would be a different story,” Djokovic said on Monday. “On the other
hand I maybe could have won a few more. But this is the generation we are in,
there are four players that are incredibly good and very few points decide
the winner. I am sure Andy is disappointed not to win a few more grand slams
but he also is a better player as a consequence to being a rival of the other
three guys.”
我们所处的世代。Big 4。少少的分数决定的胜负。虽然莫瑞很失望,但他也因为其他三
As for the status of his former friendship with Murray, which has inevitably
cooled while the two have spent so much time plotting how to beat each other,
Djokovic suggested that the arrival of a miniurray might help to bring them
back together again.
After all, Djokovic’s own status as a new father has defused the tension
that used to exist between himself and Federer. These two now enjoy the
chance to bond over feeding schedules, nappies and buggies.
“We have been rivals for the last couple of years, so we don’t get to be
together as we would maybe like to on and off the court,” Djokovic said.
“But now when he gets married and maybe has a kid we will spend more time.
We’ll have an excuse. Things will hopefully be different in the future. I do
look at him, Rafa and Roger as my friends, honestly, because I see them so
much more than my parents and sometimes more than my wife. There is this
special relationship that has been created with the
number of years that we spend on the tour together.
“Of course you can’t really sit down and have dinners and chat about some
intimate things because tomorrow you’re going to be on the court fighting
for the biggest trophies. So at this point of our careers maybe that intimate
and close relationship is not possible yet. But we’re all humans at the end
of the day and I think we should consider that human side as a priority
before sport.”
XXPLUS (随缘等新车)
2015-02-03 13:28:00莫莉也是气自己啊,只是媒体和观众都爱导到他是再气别人这样才有话题,就像场上murmur,塑造说成在咒骂对手更有戏
XXPLUS (随缘等新车)
2015-02-03 13:31:00然后"没品论"就出现了,问题是他碎念真的是在咒骂对手吗?
dynamo (sheba)
2015-02-03 13:51:00真的诈伤是那种还请人治疗来拖时间的 Djo又没有
作者: admorert 2015-02-03 13:58:00
作者: admorert 2015-02-03 14:00:00
joyjcc (逆风飞翔)
2015-02-03 14:07:00都嘛旁人的自我解读,还讲得煞有其事
不过第三盘一开始 Djokovic那时看起来真的觉得他完了
作者: JoeStrummer (西瓜) 2015-02-03 17:39:00
grafan 2015-02-03 18:05:00我比较好奇的是 顶尖选手场上有伤见怪不怪 为何总是只有球王被质疑 可能是他天赋异秉恢复能力超强吧 呵呵
iooiekme (心éˆé »çŽ‡çš„穩定)
2015-02-03 18:40:00比赛过程中Djo有好几次脚有不稳定状态,我还以为会输哩打到决赛了,心理素质要更提高才行…不然晋升不了big4
TwoTwo (中和小太阳)
2015-02-03 19:01:00推coolboy,比赛中碎碎念绝对是在骂自己XDDD
作者: admorert 2015-02-03 19:33:00
作者: sgraf (sgraf) 2015-02-03 19:42:00
某楼到底是有多讨厌Nole XD
这解读不错,因为知道要击败 Nole 有多难,所以他下意识的说服自己相信有了一个天上掉下来的礼物。可惜这是一个希腊礼物。
bobjohns (bobjohns)
2015-02-03 19:57:00DJO可以在硬地滑步救球 就知道他的身体能力多好了
作者: JoeStrummer (西瓜) 2015-02-03 20:08:00
作者: sgraf (sgraf) 2015-02-03 20:14:00
其实不是指楼上啦 有人只要逢Nole就会出来酸一下XD
作者: KOBEFAN (Mick Chen) 2015-02-03 20:46:00
Djo温网决赛也输过茉莉阿 他还不是赛后称赞茉莉说干得好为英国人赢得一座骄傲
tinybaby (20140502岸孝之无安打)
2015-02-03 22:26:00其实小安迪比赛中也有露出不舒服的样子,那只不过是最后他输了,所以不用被放大而已。他第三盘不是也在摸脚,,会被检讨的却是赢家,不过是赢不了找理由罢了。
好啦 给你一次机会 澳网对djo 法网对Nad不过也是看人吧 Fed会希望在澳网对Djo也不愿法网对Nad
他的意思是我见这三人的次数比见我爸妈甚至我老婆还多 而不是把他们视为比父母还重要 这太扯了XDDD
migi33 (干物)
2015-02-04 01:10:00"当囧口称赞他的努力时"(x) "当Djo恭喜他最近订婚时"(o)
作者: teddy8989 (熊吉) 2015-02-04 07:22:00
作者: admorert 2015-02-04 08:21:00
djo就是很多怪招阿 以前费爸也抱怨过他很爱搞这些BIG 4里面最讨厌就是这家伙
作者: wayne77925 (阿维) 2015-02-04 10:57:00
这种真的没什么好说的w 球员若真的有嫌隙也是他们自己的事情 球迷没必去做臆测 我们该做的就是看球享受比赛 为自己支持的选手加油 Let's all!
作者: n790321 (icon) 2015-02-04 11:53:00
Let's all??????????
CYBERPUNK (norah jones terrific)
2015-02-04 11:56:00Let's go + that's all不过murray是否惹人厌 见仁见智 至少他比以前好多了
lister (亮烈端然)
2015-02-04 13:50:00侐控o结论段说得不错,的确就是职业选手,尤其等级接近的相处的某种微妙生态
greedxu3 (致虚极,守静笃)
2015-02-04 14:18:00完全认同比赛时大多的情绪是针对自己的表现
动作多不行唷~讨厌就讨厌~不要输了在那边崩溃能赢就是有实力~输了再练再来呀~讲一堆有的没的只要不是针对对手或没风度的行为就好呀 你住海边唷
langrisser (Y.H. Johnny Chen)
2015-02-04 22:01:00这种事情需要解释代表他们是真爱吧(误)
BeeWolf (每天都是一种练习)
2015-02-04 23:01:00这两个都蛮.....的
作者: sinben (小狸) 2015-02-04 23:52:00
作者: sgraf (sgraf) 2015-02-05 14:35:00
几乎每次? 请楼上举多点例子 不要只拿12澳网/14澳网来说XD而且想请问楼上看了多少Djo的比赛 不要也只举那两场喔XD
miksim (饭团)
2015-02-05 15:48:00网球又不是篮球 有肢体碰撞 球打去哪都是自己决定也都是自己努力练习成果下来才能控制的他们在场上murmur我相信都是在跟自己讲话偷咒骂对手的意义何在
作者: gordon27 (蓝星人1号) 2015-02-05 15:51:00
就算骂对手也还好吧 对手应该听不到
不觉得Djo诈伤,不过某几楼说的Djo又没去跟Andy说他受伤要对手留手,或者没申请伤停让对手冷却就颇无言的对手看似受伤的状况绝对会影响到对面选手的心理状态从100%专注要击溃对手->专注力下降 这是肯定的最不会受到影响的两个人就是Fed Nadal,不管对面怎样就是抓着痛点打,不过能不被影响的也是少数 所以说Djo受伤状态甘Andy什么事这种话就很可笑,多数人绝对会被影响Andy赛后发言也是不满自己心理素质不够好居多