[征才] Artilux 招募 HRBP 等职位

楼主: dolinian (杜丽娘)   2021-07-19 18:26:43
Artilux 光程科技
8F.-1, No. 6, Taiyuan 1st St., Zhubei City, Hsinchu, Taiwan
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Artilux, renowned for being the world leader of GeSi photonic
technology, has been at the forefront of wide-spectrum 3D sensing
and consumer optical connectivity since 2014.
Established on fundamental technology breakthroughs, Artilux has
been making multidisciplinary innovations covering integrated
optics, system architecture to computing algorithm, and emerged as
an innovation enabler for smartphone, autonomous driving, augmented
reality and beyond.
Our vision is to keep pioneering the frontier of photonic
technologies and transform them into enrichment for real life
experience.We enlighten the path from information to intelligence.
HR Business Partner 经常性月薪 40k 台币以上,视经验面议
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相关职位已于 7/20 关闭。感谢!

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