※ 引述《ccchuchu (aronzi)》之铭言:
: 各位科技业前辈好
: 小妹背景为金融投资硕士(海外)
: 大学118工管双财金
: 硕士前已有金融业经验将近2年
: 回国后主要寻找金融相关工作(银行、投信、四大事务所)
: 今收到科技业的面谈邀请
: 由于对科技业完全没有概念,不知道此工作内容相关细节
: 信上JD如下
: Working for the leading EDA company as part of an International Order Management team the SOA role includes strong attention to detail when reviewing customer contracts.
: The SOA has direct interface with Sales account team, reviewing and validating customer documentation, order entry, order acceptance, backlog management, and fulfillment. Position also includes providing back up for peers, assisting with projects and working closely with other internal customers.
: The SOA is involved in various corporate initiatives and projects, and is an active part of a World Wide Order Management team with many global locations.
: A SOA is dedicated to the excellence and accuracy of the order processing procedure. A good knowledge of SAP and/or Salesforce.com would be beneficial. The successful applicant should also have the skills to use Microsoft Office Suite, Excel, and have strong overall technical skills.
: 虽是外商,爬文相关评价也不错
: 且金融业今年并不容易找到好缺
: 各大金控去年开始遇缺不补
: 有开始考虑产业界的工作
: 但一方面也担心不好回到原本一心想从事的金融
: 撇开这点,科技业overall应是比金融业前景好一些?
: 请教各位此职缺相关工作内容,
: 以及面谈时若开价薪资的部分不知道业界水准如何?
: 感谢各位不吝解答