1. 岗位名称:开发工程师
2. 薪资范围:年薪10 ~ 20万美元 (税前)
3. 工作地点:新加坡总部 / 目前公司20多人
4. 需求人数:1 ~ 2 人
5. 公司描述:招聘公司名暂不提供。
6. 工作内容:
(1) 公司是做全球量化交易的,主要是服务公司内部;
(2) 技术骨干 ( 开发人员 ),金融公司的开发工程师;
(3) 能独当一面地完成系统和软件专案, 不需要金融背景, 但是要有扎实的电脑科学知识;
(4) 大型互联网公司开发人才尤佳。
7. Job description:
The front desk quant developers maintain/develop/proto-type our trading/research capabilities in global markets and innovate how we do them.
8. Typical responsibilities include:
(1) Optimizing the performance of various components of the trading system;
(2) Maintaining, enhancing backtest simulator;
(3) Execution algorithms research;
(4) High frequency strategy research;
9. Qualification:
(1) Expert programming skills in modern C++/C. Familiarity with STL and boost.
(2) Solid understanding and experience on network and threading.
(3) Ability to write sizable applications and manage complexity;
(4) Effective communicator and decision maker;
(5) Linux experience;
10. The following skills are bonus:
(1) Familiar with Linux kernel;
(2) Experience with hardware development, e.g. NIC, video card etc.;
(3) System administration experience;
预计 2016.05.21~31收履历;欢迎自荐,推荐与转发,