stenler (挖哈哈思压)
2013-08-09 21:46:07分享一下我收到的...就不翻译了@@
感觉应该不只20人 ...
Thank you for your reply and resume. Here is some additional information.
Please feel free to forward on to anyone that you think may be interested in
discussing opportunities with Apple in Taipei.
We are looking for all levels of Engineers, from experienced junior level to
Sr. level management. Here are some of the skill sets / roles that we are
looking for:
Hardware Development Engineers (areas of expertise: audio, camera,
sensors, power, analog, touch, RF, antenna, battery)
Panel Process & Optics Engineers
Flat Panel Displays
System Integrators
Low Power AC-DC, DC-DC Engineers
Mechanical Engineers - Packaging
Product Development Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Mechanical Engineers - Product Displays
Materials Technical Program Managers
Test Engineers
Software QA
Reliability Engineers
Product Safety Engineers - PD
Firmware Engineers
Engineering Program Managers
Your work results will be used to create new products. Engineering functions
required to build an iPhone will reside in Taipei including but not limited
to Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Hardware Test, Software
Development and Project Management.
Managers will be local and will report into Corporate Headquarters in
California. Since core development work will be done in Taipei there will be
little reason to travel, however, there may be some travel to California as
We will be sharing your resume with the Engineering teams in the US and will
be back in touch as soon as possible. If there is mutual interest, we will
reach out to you to inform you of next steps. Our hiring managers will be in
in Taipei in September for interviews and we will make hiring decisions as
soon as possible.
※ 引述《koenig (神.)》之铭言:
: Hi xxxxxxxxxx
: Apple is building an Engineering team in Taipei to drive new iPhone product
: development. Do you know anyone who might be interested in exploring
: these new opportunities with Apple and or would you have interest yourself?
: If so, can you please respond back to me as soon as possible to
: xxxxx@apple.com.
: Apple Hiring Managers will be in Taipei in September and we will be scheduling interviews for various Engineering positions. Thank you for your time & consideration. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.
: Sincerely,
: Name Name
: Recruiter - xxxxxxx@apple.com
: 姓名被我隐藏了,这是我收到的信件内容!
: 有兴趣的参考一下下囉!
作者: jackiefang (洗肾业正夯) 2013-08-09 22:18:00
征才范围很大耶 几乎全包了
作者: temjin707 2013-08-09 22:29:00
这么广的范围只要2X个,是每一个领域只要两个吗? =.=
作者: WenliYang (羊蹄嘟) 2013-08-09 22:36:00
一两个差不多啊 也不可能找太多...
ASKA (The 羊男)
2013-08-09 23:24:00比较想知道,大家是在哪个信箱收到?
Vett (Vett)
2013-08-10 00:16:00不妙 看起来会是local pay
作者: WenliYang (羊蹄嘟) 2013-08-10 00:18:00
designer还轮不到台湾 别想太多...
Knudsen (true me)
2013-08-10 00:24:00没有Software Engineer Orz (Firmware/SW-QA不算)
fegat ( )
2013-08-10 00:31:00居然软硬件都有 还有电力的..
作者: ufoon (屌) 2013-08-10 00:34:00
zhi5566 (协志 5566 最棒)
2013-08-10 00:45:00OS是苹果的核心 不可能搬出美国 看起来是想组一个手机系统
zhi5566 (协志 5566 最棒)
2013-08-10 00:46:00团队 不知道是不是为了要出低价iPhone
作者: ovalcircle (积雪会融化) 2013-08-10 01:29:00
作者: ovalcircle (积雪会融化) 2013-08-10 01:33:00
台湾有经验 且合格的手机sa(又想跳槽的)大概就在htc了
作者: litya (Somebody) 2013-08-10 02:50:00
MeiHS (囧)
2013-08-10 03:46:00台湾真的只能代工一辈子吗?...
hhcelll (ww)
2013-08-10 23:15:00本来就是local pay拉,大陆那边也都是local pay
laker020 (Devin)
2013-08-10 23:21:00都找系统的= =
作者: Umol (路过的) 2013-08-10 23:34:00
QQ5566 (哭哭5566)
2013-08-11 12:33:00台湾想搞品牌的哪个不是被酸到爆? 看看hTㄈ
mmhohi (hohi)
2013-08-13 21:41:00薪水比照大陆分公司-内部员工说的