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作者: gmoz ( This can't do that. ) 看板: Soft_Job
标题: [闲聊] 朋友分享的美国PM六脉神剑
时间: Fri Aug 31 18:43:18 2012
我发觉美国的PM过好爽 已经完全到只出一张嘴的地步了
精简整理一下美国RD PM开会经典六脉神剑
1. Is the design done ? (我都是被cue到这句话)
2. It's customer request(讲不过你的时候出大绝)
3. How long will you finish this ?
凯揪以外的巨大东西,回答出时间就代表被凹了, 之后我都这样回答 it depends on the
spec we discussed and the requirement, 然后PM通常会开始胡扯...)
4. I don't think so, it's should be ....
(关键是要在他讲should be 之后10秒内 插话进去即可破解)
5. Can you explain how does it work?
(最难回答, 讲得太深他听不懂 讲得太浅又会提出一堆很没sense的新要求)
6. It doesn't make sense.(OS:你才没SENSE....)