heyyoha (帅气风神)
2023-06-03 06:56:12亲爱的金牛座,随着月亮进入天蝎座,今天将是你生活中做出积极改变的日子。如果你坚
Dear Taurus, with the Moon in Scorpio, today will be the day when you will mak
e positive changes in your life. If you stick with the changes you make today,
they will have a life-long impact, say Astroyogi astrologers. On the domestic
front, if you have been feeling slightly irritated by the action of a family
member, today is the perfect day to talk and sort the problem out. If you wait
too long, the issue will worsen, which will not be good for both of you. Your
lucky hour for the day is between 8 am and 9 am. Rose pink will be your lucky
color for the day.