You may be thinking about taking on a time-consuming new project now because i
t seems so exciting. The only problem may be that you already have too much to
do, dear Taurus. In fact, didn't at least some of the work you now have on yo
ur plate start out seeming exciting? This is a reminder that you need to be mo
re discerning when scheduling your time. You will accomplish less and become f
ar more frustrated if you aren't careful about planning your schedule. But if
you are more "choosy," you will get a lot more done - and it will be the kind
of things you really want to engage in.
consume 消耗;耗费;耗损
discern 辨识;发觉;领悟;辨明
accomplish 完成;达成
frustrate 挫败;沮丧;灰心;失望
engage 参与;从事