2022/12/21 托福独立写作题目 (大陆考区) 是
“如今,人们都说政府应该为百姓提供财务支持。然而,大家经常争论政府应该对哪类族群提供支援。你认为以下哪类群体是政府最应该支持的:(1) 不再工作的老年人(如 70 岁以上的人);(2) 有小孩的年轻家庭;或 (3) 最近失去工作的工人?”
"Nowadays, it is said that government should give financial support to people. However, people often argue about which group the government should give support to. Which of the following groups do you think is the most important one for the government to support: (1) older people who no longer work (eg. those who are more than 70 years old); (2) young families with small children; or (3) workers who have recently lost their jobs?"
如果没有时间看全文,可以看看这些能上 25 分的词语,将来针对适当主题可以拿来使用:
■ be placed on lockdown 封城
■ come to a near halt 几近停顿
■ concerned about 考虑到
■ get through the crisis 度过危机
■ spending spree 大撒币
■ extraordinary times 非常时期
■ eligible 有资格
■ immediate or imminent hardship 立即或迫在眼前的艰困
■ annuities or pensions 年金或退休金
■ provide for 供养
■ the most deserving group of recipients 最有资格的接受者
■ as is the case 即为适例
■ downward spiral 螺旋型下降
■ grant subsidy 给予补助
■ facilitate 有助于
■ a progressively aging society 日益老龄化的社会
■ families of lesser means 较贫穷家庭
■ unintended pressure 意料之外的压力
■ get back on their feet 重新站起来
另外,这里整理了 2021-2022 两年中出过的“三选一”独立写作考题。由于托福重复出题比例很高,所以未来会有遇到的机会。