(SK2术语Word Bank)
例如大家独立题常用become healthier(得到健康), have good reputation(得到名声),
save effort(省力)这些原因的话
what are the signs that shows a person is healthy/respected by others?
what does it mean by gaining reputation?
1. ChatGPT输入: what does it mean by gaining reputation
Gaining reputation refers to the process of building and enhancing one's
reputation or standing within a community or social group.
This can be achieved through various means, such as by consistently displaying
positive qualities and behaviors, and by consistently delivering on promises
and expectations. As a person's reputation grows, they may be seen as more
reliable, trustworthy, and respected by those around them. This can lead to a
variety of benefits, such as improved relationships with others, increased
social standing, and greater opportunities for success and advancement. In
general, gaining a good reputation can be a key factor in achieving success and
happiness in life.
和reputation类似的字如 more reliable, trustworthy...等
会导致好名声的具体作为则为 display positive qualities and behaviors consistently
例如: A company has controversial business activities that are criticized by
people. It is offering you a job and the pay is good. Would you accept the job?
第一句: No.
WHY: This is because I care about my reputation
This is because working in such company will hurt my reputation.
例子开头: For example, I used to work for this company called Dinshin Food.
The company has had lots of controversies over the years, including selling low
quality, industrial-grade oil to bakeries and food factories. When I worked
there, even though the pay was good,
过程(overlook positive qualities and behaviors): people in the society
overlooked my positive qualities and behaviors at work. That is, even though I
worked hard and obeyed my supervisor’s instruction(展开positive qualities &
behaviors), the people still thought that I was not a good person because of my
结果(bad for my reputation/unstrustworthy): This clearly was very bad for
my reputation. Actually, I knew quite a few people that saw me as untrustworthy
because of this. And I hated it.