Hi all, 我是J2.
之前一篇文章有介绍过托福高频率阅读Vocalization in Frogs:
https:// goo.gl/BhgDo5 ,
Extinctions in the New World,回馈一下乡民,直接分享前面两段+5道
时间:11/19 (日) 13:30-15:00, 每位同学15分钟,只有六个名额,要来要快!
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例: J2 推!13:30-15:00, 独立写作
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* * * * *
climate change以外,就是人类的出现、打猎活动造成此时期大型动物
Post-Pleistocene Extinctions in the New World
第一段:在地球最近的一次冰河期,约12,000年前,人类开始在New World
(the land area now known as North and South America)活动,刚好跟很
多大型动物如mammoths, mastodons, giant ground sloths等绝种几乎在同
一时间发生(coincided with)。Their apparently rapid rate of
extinction after humans arrived, have led some to conclude that
human hunters forced many New World animals into extinction
shortly after the Pleistocene epoch.
1. The phrase “coincided with” in the passage is closest in
meaning to
A) resulted in
B) speeded up
C) began the process of
D) happened at the same time as
2. The word “apparently” in the passage is closest in meaning
A) extremely
B) seemingly
C) usually
D) relatively
3. According to paragraph 1, why have some people assumed that
human hunters caused the extinction of many New World species?
A) Hunting-and-gathering societies are known to have hunted
animals until they were extinct.
B) These species disappeared rapidly after humans arrived in the
New World.
C) Animal species that disappeared in the New World could still
be seen in other regions of the world.
D) Hunting-and-gathering societies could not coexist with large
animal species such as mammoths and mastodons.
型动物(big-game species)像mastodon 在北美的东部确实也在更新世
human activities有关联。只发现两种动物:mammoths and mastodons
extinct, 而且在所有 sites 中, 只有其中几个发现 association between
an extinct animal and Clovis artifacts. 鸟类也绝种, 但是鸟类并不是
当时 Clovis people 重要的猎物。Thus it would seem that at least
some larger animals became extinct without much human assistance.
4. The word “Thus” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A) However
B) In addition
C) Therefore
D) Basically
5. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are reasons to
doubt that humans caused the extinction of species at the end of
the Pleistocene epoch EXCEPT:
A) Only two big-game animals – mammoths and mastodons – are
actually known to have become extinct during that time.
B) It is unlikely that humans caused the disappearance of so many
species of birds that also became extinct.
C) Archaeologists have found no evidence of the kind of hunting
practices likely to cause extinctions.
D) Bones of few big-game species have been found in association
with human activities in populated areas of North America.