Dear TOEFL exam takers,
模考完好像才是认识自已的开始。你有特别推的错题学习方法吗? 写作错误的部分,
老师批改后,我用flashcard software (jMemorise)来学习,被修正的句子贴到
front side,正确的用法贴到back side。例如一张卡片跳出来问:
Identify the writing erros in the following sentence:
Third, the reading explains that infecting the toads with disease-causing
virus can effectively depopulation the toads in Australia.
Third, the reading explains that infecting the toads with disease-causing
virus can effectively depopulate the toads in Australia.
writing部分我没什么问题。但reading, listening及speaking目前还没发展出错题的
学习方式。TOP里能把内容剪贴出来吗? 听力档? thanks for reading this post. looking
forward to your feedback
作者: daiki0415 (ice) 2016-01-12 12:55:00
我reading的检讨方法是查单字 然后抄在自己的单字本上自己想同义词(这点很有用→以前老师教的) 睡觉前看一下 时间久了单字量变多 reading自然就进步了listening是再听一次 做错题(看自己是不是没有抓到题点还是没听懂)之后会再对一次文字稿一边加速听(通常是1.5倍以上)看到不会的单字继续抄在单字本上