英语蛋 EGG JJ 为同学准备了 5/24-25考试
并针对 语调、发音、抑扬顿挫等 提供ETS级真人录音
建议同学 考前反复练习模仿 纠正自我缺点
Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of
people. What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?
I would give my friend the following suggestions. First, relax your body before
going on stage. Easing the tension from your body can help steady your voice
and relax your mind. Activities like stretching your arms or legs, or even
simple things like chewing a piece of gum can help to reduce tension in the
body. Second, I would recommend my friend to watch a comedy on the morning of
the day before the speech. Laughing will take your mind off your nervousness.
For example my favorite comedy is “The Big Bang Theory”
(自己换一个,平常看这么多美剧,随便哪一个出来举例,只要不要举到恐怖的就好 ><)
when I get nervous. It worked every time!
完整题目答案请看这 EGG 只提供迷你小范围 最后冲刺使用
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