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2025-02-27 10:45:29数据显示,川普上任以来,美国政府支出迄今未放缓
作者:Jason Lange 、 Andy Sullivan和Brad Heath
2025 年 2 月 26 日下午 7:11
1. 川普上任第一个月,美国政府支出 7,100 亿美元,高于去年同期
2. 不断上涨的利息、退休和医疗费用抵消了所有储蓄
3. 解雇工人并没有带来明显节省
华盛顿 2 月 26 日 (路透社)—路透社对联邦数据的分析显示,川普总统上任第一个月,
财政部每日支出数据显示,1 月 21 日至 2 月 20 日期间,政府整体支出约 7,100 亿美元
,高于去年同期的约 6,300 亿美元。
负责任联邦预算委员会主席玛雅·麦克吉尼斯 (Maya MacGuineas) 表示:“我们的 7 兆美
面做出了过多的承诺。” “我们在好的时候和坏的时候都藉钱,这导致了创纪录的债务水
自 1 月 20 日共和党人唐纳德·川普重返白宫以来的一个月内,联邦政府总体支出高于前
白宫发言人卡罗琳·莱维特说:“DOGE 已经为美国纳税人节省了数十亿美元,特朗普总统
马斯克和川普都表示,他们的目标是将 6.7 兆美元的联邦预算削减 1 兆美元,但川普也承
布鲁金斯学会负责追踪美国财政部每日支出报表的研究员劳伦鲍尔 (Lauren Bauer) 表示:
为引发了人们对安全和隐私的担忧。周三,DOGE 的 21 名职业工作人员辞职以示抗议,称
川普几乎无法减少债务偿还支出(占去年预算的 13%),否则将面临违约风险,进而扰乱全
财政部的数据显示,川普上任第一个月,政府支付了约 940 亿美元的利息,而去年同期支
付的利息约 800 亿美元。
DOGE 修改储蓄声明
马斯克的成本削减部门上周声称,透过取消合约和房地产租赁,已经节省了 550 亿美元,
路透社调查发现,周二发布的更新资讯取消或降低了 170 份合约的成本节约总额约 30 亿
美元。例如,美国国际开发署一份合约的节省金额从近 6.55 亿美元下降到 35 美分。
散了美国国际开发署,该署在 2023 财年支出了 420 亿美元,相当于预算的 0.6%。
他还透过买断计划和大规模裁员来精简美国公务员队伍,迄今为止,全国 230 万联邦文职
人员中约有 10 万人受到影响。任何工资节省都尚未实现。 2022财年人事成本占总支出的4
US government spending has not slowed under Trump so far, data shows
US government spent $710 billion in Trump's first month, up from same period a y
ear ago
Rising interest, retirement and health costs offset any savings
No apparent savings yet from fired workers
WASHINGTON, Feb 26 (Reuters) - The U.S. government spent more during President D
onald Trump's first month in office than it did during the same period a year ag
o, in a sign his cost-slashing effort has yet to reduce the nation's heavy fisca
l obligations, a Reuters analysis of federal data shows.
Trump has frozen billions of dollars in foreign aid and fired more than 20,000 f
ederal workers since he returned to power last month. His budget-cutting point p
erson, tech billionaire Elon Musk, claims to have saved tens of billions of doll
But any savings have been outweighed so far by higher spending on health and ret
irement programs and rising interest payments, Treasury Department spending reco
rds show.
Overall, the government spent about $710 billion between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20, Tr
easury daily spending data shows, up from the roughly $630 billion during a comp
arable period last year.
Independent budget experts said the figures illustrate the relentless pressures
incurred by an aging population and a ballooning debt load.
"Our $7 trillion budget is driven by structural imbalances because we've over-pr
omised in our retirement and health care programs compared to what we're taking
in," said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal
Budget. "We've borrowed in good times and bad times, which has led to record deb
t levels."
In the month since Republican Donald Trump returned to the White House on Jan 20
, overall federal spending is higher than during the same period a year earlier
under former President Joe Biden, a Democrat.
The White House said Musk's Department of Government Efficiency is following thr
ough on Trump's promise to cut wasteful and fraudulent spending.
"DOGE has already identified billions of dollars in savings for American taxpaye
rs, and President Trump will continue to direct this effort until our government
is truly for the people, and by the people," White House spokeswoman Karoline L
eavitt said.
Musk and Trump have said they aim to reduce the $6.7 trillion federal budget by
$1 trillion, but Trump has also promised not to reduce benefits for seniors who
get Social Security retirement payments and participate in the Medicare health p
Those two programs accounted for more than one third of federal dollars spent in
the last fiscal year. While they are projected to eat up more of the budget as
the population ages, trimming them would anger millions of Americans.
"There is no way to meet their goals without hitting the third rail," said Laure
n Bauer, a researcher at the Brookings Institution who tracks the Treasury Depar
tment's daily spending statements.
Musk has said he will scrutinize both programs for fraud, but his attempts to sc
rutinize sensitive payment and personnel records have raised security and privac
y fears. On Wednesday, 21 career workers in DOGE resigned in protest, saying the
agency had mishandled Americans' private data.
Trump can do little to reduce debt service payments, which accounted for 13% of
the budget last year, without risking a default that would rattle the global fin
ancial system.
The government paid about $94 billion in interest payments during Trump's first
month, compared to around $80 billion in the comparable period last year, Treasu
ry data shows.
Musk's cost-cutting operation claimed last week that it had saved $55 billion th
rough canceled contracts and property leases, but has since appeared to acknowle
dge that many of the cuts saved less money than originally claimed.
An update released on Tuesday had either removed or lowered the cost savings for
170 contracts by a total of roughly $3 billion, a Reuters examination found. Sa
vings on one USAID contract, for example, dropped from almost $655 million to 35
Trump and Musk's most dramatic budget-cutting efforts to date have focused on a
much smaller portion of the budget. He has effectively dismantled the U.S. Agenc
y for International Development, which spent $42 billion in the 2023 fiscal year
, equal to 0.6% of the budget.
He has also thinned the ranks of the U.S. civil service through a buyout program
and mass layoffs that so far have affected about 100,000 of the nation's 2.3 mi
llion federal civilian workers. Any payroll savings have yet to materialize. Per
sonnel costs equaled 4.3% of total spending in the 2022 fiscal year.
An attempt to freeze domestic aid spending has been blocked in court for now.
川普上任第一个月,美国政府支出 7,100 亿美元,高于去年同期。被不断上涨的利息、退